The promotion of the protection of the rights of the child is one of the objectives of the EU on which the Treaty of Lisbon has put further emphasis. This report is part of a study to collect data on children's involvement in criminal, civil and administrative judicial proceedings in the EU. It supports the implementation of the 2011 EU Agenda for the rights of the child, which identified the lack of reliable, comparable and official data on the situation of children in the Member States (MS). The main aim was to gather and publish all available international and national data available - data are published here: The study also gathered information on legislation and policy to support interpretation of the data. For each of the two strands of civil and administrative justice, there are 29 (two each for the UK) individual Member State contextual overviews that describe national legislation and policy covering children's involvement in proceedings relating to the areas of family, employment, asylum, migration, education, health, placement in care, administrative sanctions and offences committed by children below the minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR).