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Presidentialism and democracy in Latin America
/ Scott Mainwaring and Matthew Soberg Shugart
Political sources of presidencialismo in Mexico
/ Jeffrey Weldon
Presidentialism and democracy in Latin America: rethinking the terms of the debate
/ Matthew Soberg Shugart and Scott Mainwaring
Multipartism, robust federalism, and presidentialism in Brazil
/ Scott Mainwaring
Unrealized potential of presidential dominance in Colombia
/ Ronald P. Archer and Matthew Soberg Shugart
Presidential behavior in a system with strong parties: Venezuela, 1958-1995
/ Brian F. Crisp
Strong candidates for a limited office: presidentialism and political parties in Costa Rica
/ John M. Carey.
Evaluating Argentina's presidential democracy: 1983-1995
/ Mark P. Jones
In defense of presidentialism: the case of Chile, 1932-1970
/ Julio Faundez
Executive-legislative relations in post-Pinochet Chile: a preliminary assessment
/ Peter M. Siavelis
Hybrid presidentialism and democratization: the case of Bolivia
/ Eduardo A. Gamarra
Conclusion: presidentialism and the party system
/ Scott Mainwaring and Matthew Soberg Shugart.