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Media type:
Virtual culture
identity and communication in cybersociety
The internet and its social landscape
/ Steven G. Jones
The individual within the collective : virtual ideology and the realization of collective principles
/ Jan Fernback
Virtual commonality : looking for India on the Internet
/ Ananda Mitra
Structural relations, electronic media, and social change : the public electronic network and the homeless
/ Joseph Schmitz
Why we argue about virtual community : a case study of the fan community
/ Nessim Watson
Gay men and computer communication : a discourse of sex and identity in cyberspace
/ David F. Shaw
Virtual community in a telepresence environment
/ Margaret L. McLaughlin, Kerry K. Osborne, and Nicole B. Ellison
(Re)-fashioning the techno-erotic woman : gender and textuality in the cybercultural matrix
/ Dawn Dietrich
Approaching the radical other : the discursive culture of cyberhate
/ Susan Zickmund
Punishing the persona : correctional strategies for the virtual offender
/ Richard C. MacKinnon
Civil society, political economy, and the Internet
/ Harris Breslow.
***Hier auch später erschienene, unveränderte Nachdrucke.***Unchanged reprints that were published later are included here.***