Media type: Book; Bibliography Title: Ėnciklopedija Bulgakovskaja Other titles: Übers. des HST: Enzyklopädie zu Leben und Werk von M. Bulgakov Contributor: Sokolov, Boris Vadimovič [Author]; Bulgakov, Michail [Author] Published: Moskva: Lokid [u.a.], 1996 Extent: 586 S.; Ill Language: Russian ISBN: 5320001436 RVK notation: KK 3635 : Die Sekundärliteratur Keywords: Bulgakov, Michail Origination: Footnote: In kyrill. Schr., russ. - Nebent.: Bulgakovskaja ėnciklopedija In kyrill. Schr., russ
Central Library – open access area Shelf-mark: KK 3635 S683 E5 Item ID: 30194280 Status: To be used in the library, interlibrary loan possible