Media type: Book Title: Politische Philosophie der internationalen Beziehungen Contains: Bibliographie S. 573-600 Contributor: Chwaszcza, Christine [Editor]; Kersting, Wolfgang [Other] Published: Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1998 Published in: Suhrkamp-Taschenbuch Wissenschaft ; 1365 Issue: 1. Aufl. Extent: 604 S; 18 cm Language: German ISBN: 3518289659 RVK notation: CC 7800 : Staatsphilosophie, Politologie MK 1100 : Theorie der internationalen Politik, Methode MC 6000 : Allgemeines Keywords: Internationale Politik > Politische Philosophie Origination: Footnote:
Central Library – open access area Shelf-mark: MK 1100 C564 P7 Item ID: 10423415 Status: To be used in the library, no dispatch by interlibrary loan; delivery of photocopies possible