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Europe, Japan and America in the 1990s
cooperation and competition
Weinstein, M. E. ; Leuenberger, T.: The trilateral concert: indispensable but not sufficient. S. 1-6. Brockdorff, T.: The Japanese challenge to Europe: ambiguous relations. S. 9-16. Hager, W.: EC 1992 and Japan. S. 17-37. Schütte, H.: Competing and cooperating with Japanese firms. S. 38-68. Schneidewind, D.: A European industrial perspective. S. 69-97. Agt, A.: U.S.-Japan relations: implications for Europe. S. 98-106 Kulessa, M.: A Western critique of Japan's development aid. S. 107-122. Morita, A.: Multinational business as a partner in trialogue. S. 125-131. Okada, Y.: Technology and U.S.-Japan relations. S. 132-161. Nagatomi, Y.: Japan and the money and capital markets of Asia. S. 162-176. Chinworth, M. W.: The future of U.S.-Japan technology relations. S. 179-205. Taira, K.: Japan as economic hegemon? S. 206-220. Rapp, W. V.: Japanese multinationals: an evolutionary theory. S. 221-267. Weinstein, M. E.: America and Japan's role in the post Cold War world. S. 268-287.
14 Beitr.