Media type: Book Title: The dictionary of cell biology Contributor: Lackie, John M. [Editor]; Blackshaw, S. E. [Other]; Dow, J. A. T. [Editor] Published: London [u.a.]: Academic Pr., 1995 Issue: 2. ed. Extent: 390 S. Language: English ISBN: 0124325629; 0124325637 RVK notation: WB 1412 : Zellbiologie WE 1000 : Handbücher, Gesamt- und Kurzdarstellungen, Lehrbücher Keywords: Cytologie Origination: Footnote: Previous ed.: 1989 Ab 3. Aufl. 1999 u.d.T.: The dictionary of cell and molecular biology
Branch Library of Medicine – open access area Shelf-mark: WB 1412 L141(2) Item ID: 10248292 Status: To be used in the library, interlibrary loan possible
Central Library – open access area Shelf-mark: WE 1000 L141(2) Item ID: 30479984 Status: To be used in the library, interlibrary loan possible