Media type: Book Title: Chaucer and his English contemporaries : prologue and tale in The Canterbury tales Contributor: Davenport, William A. [Author]; Chaucer, Geoffrey [Other] Published: Basingstoke [u.a.]: Macmillan, 1998 Basingstoke [u.a.]: Macmillan [u.a.], 1998 Issue: 1. publ. Extent: X, 245 S. Language: English ISBN: 0333601319; 0333601327; 0312214383; 0312214391 RVK notation: HH 5083 : Canterbury Tales HH 5090 : Historischer Hintergrund Keywords: Chaucer, Geoffrey Chaucer, Geoffrey > Mittelenglisch > Epik > Prolog Origination: Footnote: Literaturangaben Provenance information: