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Media type:
Commemorative Publication;
Ethnic minorities and nationalism in Southeast Asia
Festschrift, dedicated to Hans Dieter Kubitscheck
Dahm, Bernhard: Ethnic groups, colonial conquest and nationalism in Sumatra. Houben, Vincent J. H.: Communal conflict in post-Suharto Indonesia. The case of Ambon. Somers Heidhues, Mary: Who wants to be Non-Pribumi? The uses of parentheses. Kuhnt-Saptodewo, Sri: Religion and identity. Wagner, Wilfried: Volkwerdung under the sign of the cross. A protestant concept of emerging nationhood. Esche, Annemarie: Nation, nation-state and ethnicity (with reference to the Union of Myanmar). Lulei, Wilfried: Ethnic minorities in Vietnam, past and present. Engelbert, Thomas: Ideology and reality. Nationalitätenpolitik in North and South Vietnam and the first Indochina war. Cheutching, Laohoua: The situation of the Hmong and minority politics in Laos. Schneider, Andreas: Nationalism, national awakening and ethnic approaches in Laos at the end of World War II. Kubitscheck, Hans Dieter. A short biographical outline. Bibliography of Hans Dieter Kubitscheck.