> Issues
Macroecology in the age of Big Data Where to go from here? Rafael O. Wüest, Niklaus E. Zimmermann, Damaris Zurell, Jake M. Alexander, Susanne A. Fritz, Christian Hof, Holger Kreft, Signe Normand, Juliano Sarmento Cabral, Eniko Szekely, Wilfried Thuiller, Martin Wikelski, Dirk Nikolaus Karger
Konstanz: KOPS Universität Konstanz, 2020
Environmental latitudinal gradients and host‐specificity shape Symbiodiniaceae distribution in Red Sea Porites corals Tullia I. Terraneo, Marco Fusi, Benjamin C. C. Hume, Roberto Arrigoni, Christian R. Voolstra, Francesca Benzoni, Zac H. Forsman, Michael L. Berumen
Konstanz: KOPS Universität Konstanz, 2019
The interplay of spatial and climatic landscapes in the genetic distribution of a South American parrot Juan F. Masello; Valeria Montano; Petra Quillfeldt; Soňa Nuhlíčková; Martin Wikelski; Yoshan Moodley
Konstanz: Bibliothek der Universität Konstanz, 2015
The challenge of historical ecology : Bowman D.M.J.S., Farrer, S.L. (eds) (2002). Measuring and imagining: exploring centuries of Australian landscape change. Australian Journal of Botany vol. 50 no. 4. The Special 50th Anniversary Issue. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Australia. Twelve articles, iii + 170 pp., figs, tables, line diagrams, photographs. Paperback: price AUS$75.00, ISSN 0067 1924
Wiley, 2004
Journal of biogeography
Oxford [u.a.]: Wiley-Blackwell, 1974- ; Oxford: Blackwell Science, anfangs ; Oxford [u.a.]: Blackwell, -2008