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towards a citizenship culture
Linton, M.: Options for the referendum on the voting system. - S. 10-17. Taylor, M.: Party democracy and civic renewal. - S. 18-26. Maxton, J.: Reforming the House of Commons. - S. 27-35. MacMillan, J.: Will Scottish devolution make a difference? - S. 36-46. Alibhai-Brown, Y.: After multiculturalism. - S. 47-56. Ascherson, N.: How European can we, will we be? - S. 57-63. Everitt, A.: Culture and citizenship. - S. 64-73. Brunson, M.: The media. - S. 74-80. Pring, R.: Citizenship and schools. - S. 81-89. Schuller, T.: The need for lifelong learning. - S. 90-99. Evans, K.: Relationship between work and life. - S. 100-114. Lindsay, I.: The voluntary sector. - S. 115-122. Tam, H.: The community roots of citizenship. - S. 123-131. Barker, A.: Accountability and responsibility of government and public bodienship in Britain: attitudes and behaviour. - S. 141-148. Crouch, C.: The Divine Comedy of contemporary citizenship. - S. 149-154.