> Publishers' series
Elliptic partial differential equations Qing Han; Fanghua Lin
New York, NY: Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, c 2011 ; Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, c 2011
Mathematical analysis of partial differential equations modeling electrostatic MEMS Pierpaolo Esposito; Nassif Ghoussoub; Yujin Guo
New York, NY: Courant Inst. of Math. Sciences, 2010 ; Providence, R.I: American Mathematical Society, 2010
An introduction to theoretical fluid mechanics Stephen Childress
New York, NY: Courant Inst. of Mathematical Sciences, New York Univ., 2009 ; Providence, RI: American Mathematical Soc., 2009
Random matrix theory invariant ensembles and universality Percy Deift; Dimitri Gioev
Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 2009
Stochastic processes S. R. S. Varadhan
New York, NY: Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences [u.a.], [20]09
Wigner measure and semiclassical limits of nonlinear Schrödinger equations Ping Zhang
New York, NY: Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, c2008 ; Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, c2008
Stochastic processes S. R. S. Varadhan
New York, NY: Courant Inst. of Mathematical Sciences [u.a.], 2007 ; Providence: American Mathematical Society, 2007
Algebra with Galois theory Emil Artin. Notes by Albert A. Blank
New York, NY: Courant Inst. of Mathematical Sciences, New York Univ. [u.a.], 2007
A brief introduction to classical, statistical, and quantum mechanics Oliver Bühler
Providence, R.I: American Mathematical Society, 2006
Hyperbolic partial differential equations Peter D. Lax
New York, NY: Courant Inst. of Mathematical Sciences, 2006 ; Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 2006
Supersymmetry for mathematicians an introduction V. S. Varadarajan
Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society [u.a.], 2004
Semilinear Schrödinger equations Thierry Cazenave
New York, NY: Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2003 ; Providence: American Mathematical Society, 2003
Orthogonal polynomials and random matrices a Riemann-Hilbert approach Percy Deift
Providence, RI [u.a.]: American Mathematical Society [u.a.], 2002
Topics in nonlinear functional analysis Louis Nirenberg. Notes by Ralph A. Artino
Providence, RI: American Math. Soc., 2001 ; New York, NY: Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2001
Probability theory S. R. S. Varadhan
Providence, R.I. [u.a.]: American Mathematical Society [u.a.], 2001