Media type: Book; Conference Proceedings Title: Validation of competences and the professionalisation of teachers and trainers Contributor: Brugia, Mara [Other] Corporation: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training Published: Luxembourg: Office for Official Publ. of the Europ. Communities, 2002 Published in: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training: CEDEFOP reference series ; 3200 TTnet dossier ; 5 Issue: 1. ed. Extent: 171 S Language: English; French ISBN: 9289601213 Publisher, production or purchase order numbers: Sonstige Nummer: TI-42-02-876-2A-C RVK notation: DN 7500 : Allgemeines und Deutschland QV 240 : Ausbildung Keywords: Europäische Union > Berufsausbildung Origination: Footnote: Die Vorlage enth. insgesamt 2 Werke Parallelt.: Validation des acquis et professionnalisation des enseignants et formateurs