Media type: Book Title: Coastal planning and management Contributor: Kay, Robert [Author]; Alder, Jacqueline [Author]; Alder, Jackie [Other] Published: London [u.a.]: Taylor & Francis, c 2005 Issue: 2. ed. Extent: XIX, 380 S.; Ill., graph. Darst., Kt; 25cm Language: English ISBN: 041531772X; 0415317738; 9780415317733; 9780415317726 RVK notation: ZI 6755 : Küsten-, Deich-, Hafen-, Molenbau, Wellenbrecher Keywords: Küstengebiet > Planung > Umweltbezogenes Management Origination: Footnote: Includes bibliographical references and index
Departmental Library DrePunct – open access area Shelf-mark: ZI 6755 K23(2) Item ID: 31580253 Status: Loanable