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Conference Proceedings
From the Syrian land to the states of Syria and Lebanon
Philipp, Thomas: Identities and loyalties in Bilad al-Sham at the beginning of the early modern period. - S. 9-26 Zachs, Fruma: Building a cultural identity: the case of Khalil al-Khuri. - S. 27-39 Weber, Stefan: Reshaping Damascus: social change and patterns of architecture in late Ottoman times. - S. 41-58 Hanssen, Jens: From social status to intellectual activity: some prosopographical observations on the municipal council in Beirut, 1868-1908. - S. 59-76 Rogan, Eugene L.: The political significance of an Ottoman education: Maktab Anbar revisited. - S. 77-94 Winter, Stefan H.: The Nusayris before the Tanzimat in the eyes of Ottoman provincial administrators, 1804-1834. - S. 97-112 Weismann, Itzchak: Sufi reformist diffusion and the rise of Arabism in late Ottoman Syria. - S. 113-125 Gelvin, James L.: Post hoc ergo propter hoc? Reassessing the lineages of nationalism in Bilad al-Sham. - S. 127-142 Wild, Stefan: East of Lebanon: colonial borders? - S. 145-162 Qattan, Najwa al-: Safarbarlik: Ottoman