The wavelets transform is a mathematical technique in the field of image compression and digital signal analysis. The author aims at providing the reader with a working understanding of wavelets. In numerous examples, he discusses the potentials and limits of the tool in industrial applications. The book is completed by the author`s own Matlab codes. It is very well suited for electrical engineering students and engineers in industry. TOC:1. Introduction: Signals and Signal Processing.- Local Analysis.- A Roadmap for the Book.-2. Continuous Analysis: The Short Time Fourier Transform STFT.- The Continuous Wavelet Transform CWT.- Case Studies.- Exercises.- 3. The Discrete Wavelet Transform: Introduction and Problem Setting.- Preparations.-Multiscale Analysis and Wavelet Orthonormal Systems.- Discrete Signals and Fast Algorithms.- Case Studies.- Exercises.- 4. More Applications: The Transform Compression Scheme.- Wavelet based Similarity Retrieval in Image Archives.- 5. Appendix: Fourier Transform and Uncertainty Relation.- Descrete Fourier Transform DFT.- Vector Spaces and Basis Systems.- Digital Filters. 6. Index of Notations and Symbols. 7. Bibliography