Media type: Book Title: Humanism and the culture of Renaissance Europe Contributor: Nauert, Charles Garfield [Author] Published: Cambridge [u.a.]: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2006 Published in: New approaches to European history ; 6,2006 Issue: [Updated] 2. ed. Extent: X, 253 S.; Ill; 24 cm Language: English ISBN: 0521839092; 0521547814; 9780521839099; 9780521547819 RVK notation: NN 1580 : Darstellungen Keywords: Europa > Renaissance Europa > Kultur > Geschichte 1420-1600 Europa > Humanismus > Geschichte 1420-1600 Renaissance > Kultur Europa > Kultur > Geschichte 1420-1600 Origination: Footnote: Includes bibliographical references (p. 224-241) and index