> Publishers' series
Women in economics: a UK perspective Danula K. Gamage, Almudena Sevilla, Sarah Smith
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, 23 July 2020
Estimating slim-majority effects in US state legislatures with a regression discontinuity design under local randomization assumptions Leandro De Magalhães
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, 31 January 2020
Baby steps: the gender division of childcare during the COVID19 pandemic Almudena Sevilla, Sarah Smith
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, 22 May 2020
A structural analysis of mental health and labor market trajectories Grégory Jolivet, Fabien Postel-Vinay
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, 29 July 2020
The timing of early interventions and child and maternal health Jonas Lau-Jensen Hirani, Hans Henrik Sievertsen and Miriam Wüst
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, 30 March 2020
Redistribution with performance pay Pawel Doligalski, Abdoulaye Ndiaye, Nicolas Werquin
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, 21 May 2020
Subjective expectations and demand for contraception Grant Miller, Áureo de Paula, Christine Valente
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, May 2020
War and the rise of parliaments Leandro de Magalhaes, Francesco Giovannoni
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2019]
Industrial clusters in the long run evidence from Million-Rouble plants in China Stephan Heblich, Marlon Seror, Hao Xu, Yanos Zylberberg
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2019]
Migrants and firms evidence from China Clement Imbert, Marlon Seror, Yifan Zhang, Yanos Zylberberg
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2019]
Deregulating teacher labor markets Simon Burgess, Ellen Greaves, Richard Murphy
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2019]
Sovereign default and imperfect tax enforcement Francesco Pappada, Yanos Zylberberg
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2019]
Proximal statistics asymptotic normality David Pacini
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2019]
The confidence interval method for selecting valid instrumental variables Frank Windmeijer, Xiaoran Liang, Fernando P. Hartwig, Jack Bowden
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2019]
Development priorities the relative benefits of agricultural growth Fabio Monteforte, Mathan Satchi, Jonathan Temple
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2019]
Sorting on-line and on-time Sekyu Choi, Stefano Banfi, Benjamín Villena-Roldán
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2019]
Deconstructing job search behavior Sekyu Choi, Stefano Banfi, Benjamín Villena-Roldán
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2019]
Weak instruments, first-stage heteroskedasticity and the robust F-test Frank Windmeijer
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2019]
The incumbent-challenger advantage and the winner-runner-up advantage Leandro De Magalhães, Salomo Hirvonen
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2019]
Do exchange rate shocks matter for Pakistan's export performance? Ahmed Pirzada
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2019]
Dynamics in gun ownership and crime evidence from the aftermath of Sandy Hook Christoph Koenig, David Schindler
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2018]
Optimal redistribution with a shadow economy Paweł Doligalski, Luis E. Rojas
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2018]
Simultaneous mean-variance regression Richard H. Spady, Sami Stouli
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2018]
High-stakes grades and student behavior Ulrik Hvidman, Hans Henrik Sievertsen
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2018]
Inter-ethnic relations of teenagers in England's schools the role of school and neighbourhood ethnic composition Simon Burgess, Lucinda Platt
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2018]
Common ownership of public goods Maija Halonen-Akatwijuka, Evagelos Pafilis
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2018]
Tactical extremism Jon X. Eguia, Francesco Giovannoni
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2018]
Control variables, discrete instruments, and identification of structural functions Whitney Newey, Sami Stouli
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2018]
Macroeconomic impacts of oil price shocks in Venezuela Raúl J. Crespo, José A. Zambrano
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2018]
When does an additional stage improve welfare in centralized assignment? Battal Doğan, M. Bumin Yenmez
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2018]
Unified versus divided enrollment in school choice improving student welfare in Chicago Battal Doğan, M. Bumin Yenmez
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2018]
Testing over- and underidentification in linear models, with applications to dynamic panel data and asset-pricing models Frank Windmeijer
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2018]
Information transmission through influence activities Chongwoo Choe, In-Uck Park
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2017]
Too big to jail? key-player policies when the network is endogenous Timo Hiller
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2017]
Coordination of humanitarian aid Maija Halonen-Akatwijuka, In-Uck Park
Bristol, United Kingdom: Department of Economics, University of Bristol, [2017]
The donation response to natural disasters Sarah Smith, Mark Ottoni-Wilhelm, Kimberley Scharf
Bristol, United Kingdom: University of Bristol, Department of Economics, September 2017
Protests and trust in the state evidence from African countries Marc Sangnier, Yanos Zylberberg
Bristol, United Kingdom: University of Bristol, Department of Economics, May 2017
Two-stage least squares as minimum distance Frank Windmeijer
Bristol, United Kingdom: University of Bristol, Department of Economics, June 2017
Lift and shift the effect of fundraising interventions in charity space and time Kimberley Scharf, Sarah Smith, Mark Ottoni-Wilhelm
Bristol, United Kingdom: University of Bristol, Department of Economics, September 2017
Understanding parental choices of secondary school in England using national administrative data Simon Burgess, Ellen Greaves, Anna Vignoles
Bristol, United Kingdom: University of Bristol, Department of Economics, October 2017
The impact of online message-boards on performance in first year econometrics units Steven Proud
Bristol, United Kingdom: University of Bristol, Department of Economics, July 2017
Price stickiness and intermediate materials prices Ahmed Jamal Pirzada
Bristol, United Kingdom: University of Bristol, Department of Economics, August 1, 2017
Semiparametric estimation of structural functions in nonseparable triangular models Victor Chernozhukov, Iván Fernández-Val, Whitney Newey, Sami Stouli, Francis Vella
Bristol, United Kingdom: University of Bristol, Department of Economics, November 2017
Protecting calorie intakes against income shocks Stephanie von Hinke, George Leckie
Bristol, United Kingdom: University of Bristol, Department of Economics, September 2016