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Media type:
American capitalism
social thought and political economy in the twentieth century
The postcapitalist vision in twentieth-century American social thought
/ Howard Brick
Thepostcapitalist vision in twentieth-century American social thought /Howard Brick --To Moscow and back : American social scientists and the concept of convergence /David C. Engerman --Clark Kerr : from the industrial to the knowledge economy /Paddy Riley --John Kenneth Galbraith : liberalism and the politics of cultural critique /Kevin Mattson --Theprophet of post-Fordism : Peter Drucker and the legitimation of the corporation /Nils Gilman --C. Wright Mills and American social science /Daniel Geary --C.L.R. James and the theory of state capitalism /Christopher Phelps --Oliver C. Cox and the roots of world systems theory /Christopher A. McAuley --Feminism, women's history, and the American social thought at midcentury /Daniel Horowitz --Theroad less traveled : reconsidering the political writings of Friedrich von Hayek /Juliet Williams --Thepolitics of the rich and rich : postwar investigations of foundations and the rise of the philanthropic right /Alice O'Connor --American counterrevolutionary : Lemuel Ricketts Boulware and General Electric, 1950-1960 /Kimberly Phillips-Fein --Godless capitalism : Ayn Rand and the conservative movement /Jennifer Burns.
To Moscow and back : American social scientists and the concept of convergence
/ David C. Engerman
Clark Kerr : from the industrial to the knowledge economy
/ Paddy Riley
John Kenneth Galbraith : liberalism and the politics of cultural critique
/ Kevin Mattson
The prophet of post-Fordism : Peter Drucker and the legitimation of the corporation
/ Nils Gilman
C. Wright Mills and American social science
/ Daniel Geary
C.L.R. James and the theory of state capitalism
/ Christopher Phelps
Oliver C. Cox and the roots of world systems theory
/ Christopher A. McAuley
Feminism, women's history, and the American social thought at midcentury
/ Daniel Horowitz
The road less traveled : reconsidering the political writings of Friedrich von Hayek
/ Juliet Williams
The politics of the rich and rich : postwar investigations of foundations and the rise of the philanthropic right
/ Alice O'Connor
American counterrevolutionary : Lemuel Ricketts Boulware and General Electric, 1950-1960
/ Kimberly Phillips-Fein
Godless capitalism : Ayn Rand and the conservative movement
/ Jennifer Burns.