> Publishers' series
Dynamic programming for pure-strategy subgame perfection in an arbitrary game by Peter Streufert
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2023
History of Economic Thought's place in macroeconomics revisited by David Laidler
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2023
The macroeconomic consequences of subsistence self-employment by Juan Herreño and Sergio Ocampo
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2023
Dynamic and stochasitc rational behavior by Nail Kashaev, Charles Gauthier, and Victor H. Aguiar
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2023
Macro's missing link the unbridged gap between Monetarism and the Wicksell Connection by David Laidler
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2023
Price, profits, proxies, and production by Victor H. Aguiar, Nail Kashaev, and Roy Allen
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2022
Market power, taxation and product variety in the Brazilian automobile industry by Daniel Chaves
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2022
Robust contracts in common agency Keler Marku, Sergio Ocampo, Jean-Baptiste Tondji
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2022
A random attention and utility model by Nail Kashaev and Victor H. Aguiar
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2022
Identification and estimation of multinomial choice models with latent special covariates by Nail Kashaev
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2022
Estimation of parametric binary outcome models with degenerate pure choice-based data with application to Covid-19-positive tests from British Columbia by Nail Kashaev
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2022
Slutsky matrix symmetry a new behavioral condition by Victor H. Aguiar and Roberto Serrano
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2022
Peter Howitt - a Keynesian still in recovery by David Laidler
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2022
A rationalization of the weak axiom of revealed preference by Victor H. Aguiar, Per Hjertstrand, and Roberto Serrano
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2022
Computing longitudinal moments for heterogeneous agent models by Sergio Ocampo and Baxter Robinson
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2022
Savings after retirement by Eric French, John Bailey Jones, and Rory McGee
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2022
Use it or lose it efficiency and redistributional effects of wealth taxation by Fatih Guvenen, Gueorgui Kambourov, Burhan Kuruscu, Sergio Ocampo, and Daphne Chen
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2022
A partial identifification approach to identifying the determinants of human capital accumulation an application to teachers Nirav Mehta
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2022
The big expansion of rural secondary schooling during the cultural revolution and the returns to education in rural China by Mengbin Zhu and Terry Sicular
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2022
Old age savings and house price shocks by Rory McGee
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2021
Lucas (1972), a personal view from the wrong side of the subsequent fifty years by David Laidler
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2021
The inner workings of a hub-and-spoke cartel in the automotive fuel industry by Daniel Chaves and Marco Duarte
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2021
Personal gini coefficients by James B. Davies
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2021
Specifying a game-theoretic extensive form as an abstract 5-ary relation Peter A. Streufert
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2021
A category for extensive-form games Peter A. Streufert
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2021
Reforming Canada's disaster assistance programs James B. Davies
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2020
Botswana's fiscal policy, monetary policy, and exchange rate policy three instruments and three targets? by J. Clark Leith
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2020
Distributional effects of flooding, with an application to a major urban area by James B. Davies and Samantha L. Black
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, January 2020
The category of node-and-choice extensive-form games by Peter A. Streufert
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2020
European puts, credit protection, and endogenous default by Jorge Cruz López and Alfredo Ibáñez
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2020
Discerning solution concepts by Nail Kashaev and Bruno Salcedo
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2019
Assessing misspecification and aggregation for structured preferences by Roy Allen and John Rehbeck
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2019
Trading motives in asset markets Zijian Wang
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2019
Immigrants and exports firm-level evidence from Canada by Miguel Cardoso and Ananth Ramanaryanan
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2019
Revealed statistical consumer theory by Roy Allen, Pawel Dziewulski, and John Rehbeck
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2019
Demographics and sectoral reallocations a search theory with immobile workers by Simona E. Cociuba and James C. MacGee
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, [2018]
The collapse and recovery of the capital share in East Germany after 1989 by Simona E. Cociuba
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2018
The category of node-and-choice forms, with subcategories for choice-sequence forms and choice-set forms by Peter A. Streufert
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, 2018
Filling the gap long run Canadian wealth inequality in international context by James B. Davies and Livio Di Matteo
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, January 2018
Why the fuss? Friedman (1968) after fifty years by David Laidler
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, [2018]
Equivalences among five game specifications, including a new specification whose nodes are sets of past choices by Peter A. Streufert
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, [2018]
International risk sharing with endogenously Ssegmented asset markets by Simona E. Cociuba and Ananth Ramanarayanan
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, September, 2017
A non-parametric approach to testing the axioms of the shapely value with limited data by Victor Aguiar, Roland Pongrou and Jean-Baptiste Tondji
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, November 1, 2017
The Gini coefficient and personal inequality measurement by James B. Davies
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, May 2016
Economic ideas, the monetary order and the uneasy case for policy rules by David Laidler
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, September 2016
Managing risk taking with interest rate policy and macroprudential regulations by Simona E. Cociuba, Malik Shukayev and Alexander Ueberfeldt
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, November 2016
The category of node-and-choice preforms for extensive-form games by Peter A. Streufert
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, August 2016
Random categorization and bounded rationality by Victor H. Aguiar
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, August 2016
The category of node-and-choice forms for extensive-form games by Peter A. Streufert
London, Ontario, Canada: Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, Western University, October 2016