> Publishers' series
Confessio Amantis John Gower. Ed. by Russell A. Peck
Toronto [u.a.]: University of Toronto Press, 1997
Early medieval art 300 - 1150 sources and documents
Toronto [u.a.]: Univ. of Toronto Pr., 1996
A guide to Chaucer's pronunciation
Toronto [u.a.]: Univ. of Toronto Pr., 1995
Confessio amantis John Gower. Ed. by Russell A. Peck
Toronto [u.a.]: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1994
A concise Anglo-Saxon dictionary J. R. Clark Hall
Toronto [u.a.]: Univ. of Toronto Pr. [u.a.], 1993
The story of Troilus Transl. and introd. by R. K. Gordon. As told by Benôit de Sainte-Maure
Toronto [u.a.]: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1992
Renaissance and renewal in the twelfth century ed. by Robert L. Benson and Giles Constable with Carol D. Lanham
Cambridge, Mass.: Havard Univ. Press, 1991 ; Toronto [u.a.]: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1991
Allegories of the virtures and vices in medieval art from early Christian times to the thirteenth century Adolf Katzenellenbogen
Toronto [u.a.]: University of Toronto Press in association with the Medieval Academy of America, 1989
The medieval book illustrated from the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library ; [catalogue of an exhibition held Aug. 15 - Oct. 31, 1988] Barbara A. Shailor
Toronto [u.a.]: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1994