> Publishers' series
Demand for Canadian banknotes from international travel indirect evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic by Hongyu Xiao
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Extreme weather and low-income household finance evidence from payday loans by Shihan Xie, Victoria Wenxin Xie and Xu Zhang
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Untapped potential mobile device ownership and mobile payments in Canada by Marie-Hélène Felt, Angelika Welte and Katrina Talavera
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Price discounts and cheapflation during the post-pandemic inflation surge by Alberto Cavallo and Oleksiy Kryvtsov
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Household food inflation in Canada by Olena Kostyshyna and Maude Ouellet
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Credit card minimum payment restrictions by Jason Allen, Michael Boutros and Benedict Guttman-Kenney
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
From micro to macro hysteresis long-run effects of monetary policy by Felipe Alves and Giovanni L. Violante
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Immigration and US shelter prices the role of geographical and immigrant heterogeneity by James Cabral and Walter Steingress
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Monetary policy transmission amid demand reallocations Julien Bengui, Lu Han and Gaelan MacKenzie
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Consumer credit regulation and lender market power by Zachary Bethune, Joaquin Saldain and Eric R. Young
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Gender gaps in time use and entrepreneurship by Pedro Bento, Lin Shao and Faisal Sohail
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
An anatomy of firms' political speech by Pablo Ottonello, Wenting Song and Sebastian Sotelo
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Central bank digital currency and transmission of monetary policy by Saroj Bhattarai, Mohammad Davoodalhosseini and Zhenning Zhao
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Housing affordability and parental income support by Jason Allen, Kyra Carmichael, Robert Clark, Shaoteng Li and Nicolas Vincent
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Entry and exit in treasury auctions by Jason Allen, Ali Hortaçsu, Eric Richert and Milena Wittwer
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Decision synthesis in monetary policy by Tony Chernis, Gary Koop, Emily Tallman and Mike West
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
How do agents form macroeconomic expectations? evidence from inflation uncertainty by Tao Wang
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
The role of international financial integration in monetary policy transmission by Jing Cynthia Wu, Yinxi Xie and Ji Zhang
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Central Bank Digital Currency and banking choices by Jiaqi Li, Andrew Usher and Yu Zhu
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
The role of long-term contracting in business lending by Phoebe Tian
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Forecasting recessions in Canada an autoregressive probit model approach by Antoine Poulin-Moore and Kerem Tuzcuoglu
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Unintended consequences of the Home Affordable Refinance Program by Phoebe Tian and Chen Zheng
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Endogenous credibility and wage-price spirals by Olena Kostyshyna, Tolga Özden and Yang Zhang
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Non-parametric identification and testing of quantal response equilibrium by Johannes Hoelzemann, Ryan Webb and Erhao Xie
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
The macroeconomic implications of coholding by Michael Boutros and Andrej Mijakovic
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Decomposing systemic risk the roles of contagion and common exposures by Grzegorz Hałaj and Ruben Hipp
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
The role of beliefs in entering and exiting the Bitcoin market by Daniela Balutel, Christopher Henry, Jorge Vásquez and Marcel Voia
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Financial intermediation and fire sales with liquidity risk pricing by Yuteng Cheng and Roberto Robatto
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Parallel tempering for DSGE estimation by Joshua Brault
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Saving after retirement and preferences for residual wealth by Giulio Fella, Martin B. Holm, and Thomas M. Pugh
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Decomposing large banks' systemic trading losses by Radoslav Raykov
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Monetary policy transmission through shadow and traditional banks by Amina Enkhbold
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
CBDC: banking and anonymity by Yuteng Cheng and Ryuichiro Izumi
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2024]
Fiscal stimulus and skill accumulation over the life cycle by Laure Simon
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Time use and macroeconomic uncertainty by Matteo Cacciatore, Stefano Gnocchi and Daniela Hauser
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Privacy-preserving post-quantum credentials for digital payments by Raza Ali Kazmi, Duc-Phong Le and Cyrus Minwalla
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Exporting and investment under credit constraints by Kim P. Huynh, Robert J. Petrunia, Joel Rodrigue and Walter Steingress
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Understanding DeFi through the lens of a production-network model by Jonathan Chiu, Thorsten Koeppl, Hanna Yu, and Shengxing Zhang
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Monetary policy and racial inequality in housing markets a study of 140 US metropolitan areas by Qi Li and Xu Zhang
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Communicating inflation uncertainty and household expectations by Olena Kostyshyna and Luba Petersen
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Labour supply and firm size by Lin Shao, Faisal Sohail and Emircan Yurdagul
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Anonymous credentials secret-free and quantum-safe by Raza Ali Kazmi and Cyrus Minwalla
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Labor market shocks and monetary policy by Serdar Birinci, Fatih Karahan, Yusuf Mercan and Kurt See
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Testing collusion and cooperation in binary choice games by Erhao Xie
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Learning in a complex world insights from an OLG lab experiment by Cars Hommes, Stefanie J. Huber, Daria Minina and Isabelle Salle
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Global demand and supply sentiment evidence from earnings calls by Temel Taskin and Franz Ulrich Ruch
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Borrow now, pay even later a quantitative analysis of student debt payment plans by Michael Boutros, Nuno Clara and Francisco Gomes
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Is money essential? an experimental approach by Janet Hua Jiang, Peter Norman, Daniela Puzzello, Bruno Sultanum and Randall Wright
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Combining large numbers of density predictions with Bayesian predictive synthesis by Tony Chernis
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
International economic sanctions and third-country effects by Fabio Ghironi, Daisoon Kim and Galip Kemal Ozhan
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Intermediary market power and capital constraints by Jason Allen and Milena Wittwer
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
International portfolio rebalancing and fiscal policy spillovers by Sami Alpanda, Uluc Aysun and Serdar Kabaca
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Perceived versus calibrated income risks in heterogeneous-agent consumption models by Tao Wang
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Generalized autoregressive gamma processes by Bruno Feunou
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Flagship entry in online marketplaces by Ginger Zhe Jin, Zhentong Lu, Xiaolu Zhou and Lu Fang
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Third-country effects of U.S. immigration policy by Agostina Brinatti and Xing Guo
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Competition for exclusivity and customer lock-in evidence from copyright enforcement in China by Youming Liu
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
A behavioral New Keynesian model of a small open economy under limited foresight by Seunghoon Na and Yinxi Xie
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
The macroeconomic effects of debt relief policies during recessions by Soyoung Lee
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Should banks be worried about dividend restrictions? by Josef Schroth
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Identifying nascent high-growth firms using machine learning by Stephanie Houle and Ryan Macdonald
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Climate variability and international trade by Geoffrey Dunbar, Walter Steingress and Ben Tomlin
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
(Un)conventional monetary and fiscal policy by Jing Cynthia Wu and Yinxi Xie
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Stress relief? funding structures and resilience to the Covid shock by Kristin Forbes, Christian Friedrich and Dennis Reinhardt
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
On the fragility of DeFi lending by Jonathan Chiu, Emre Ozdenoren, Kathy Yuan and Shengxing Zhang
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Persistent debt and business cycles in an economy with production heterogeneity by Aubhik Khan and Soyoung Lee
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Pricing indefinitely lived assets experimental evidence by John Duffy, Janet Hua Jiang and Huan Xie
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
The impact of unemployment insurance and unsecured credit on business cycles by Michael Irwin
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Central bank forecasting a survey by Carola Conces Binder and Rodrigo Sekkel
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Demographic origins of the decline in labor's share by Andrew Glover and Jacob Short
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Narrative-driven fluctuations in sentiment evidence linking traditional and social media by Alistair Macaulay and Wenting Song
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
How banks create gridlock to save liquidity in Canada's large value payment system by Rodney Garratt, Zhentong Lu and Phoebe Tian
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Supply drivers of US inflation since the COVID-19 pandemic by Serdar Kabaca and Kerem Tuzcuoglu
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Geographical and cultural proximity in retail banking by Santiago Carbo-Valverde, Hector Perez-Saiz and Hongyu Xiao
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Macroeconomic disasters and consumption smoothing international evidence from historical data by Lorenzo Pozzi and Barbara Sadaba
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
The macroeconomic effects of portfolio equity inflows by Nick Sander
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Unpacking moving a quantitative spatial equilibrium model with wealth by Elisa Giannone, Qi Li, Nuno Paixão and Xinle Pang
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Monetary policy transmission, bank market power, and wholesale funding reliance by Amina Enkhbold
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Inflation, output, and welfare in the laboratory by Janet Hua Jiang, Daniela Puzzello and Cathy Zhang
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Mandatory retention rules and bank risk by Yuteng Cheng
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Gazing at r-star a hysteresis perspective by Paul Beaudry, Katya Kartashova and Césaire A. Meh
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Simulating intraday transactions in the Canadian retail batch system by Nellie (Yinan) Zhang
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Crowdfunding and risk by David A. Cimon
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
Understanding inflation dynamics the role of government expenditures by Chang Liu and Yinxi Xie
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2023]
On the wedge between the PPI and CPI inflation indicators by Shang-Jin Wei and Yinxi Xie
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Monetary policy and redistribution in open economies by Xing Guo, Pablo Ottonello and Diego J. Perez
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Financial intermediaries and the macroeconomy evidence from a high-frequency identification by Pablo Ottonello and Wenting Song
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
A horse race of monetary policy regimes an experimental investigation by Olena Kostyshyna, Luba Petersen and Jing Yang
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
How do people view price and wage inflation? by Monica Jain, Olena Kostyshyna and Xu Zhang
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Foreign exchange interventions the long and the short of it by Patrick Alexander, Sami Alpanda and Serdar Kabaca
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Endogenous liquidity and capital reallocation by Wei Cui, Randall Wright and Yu Zhu
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Central bank liquidity facilities and market making by David A. Cimon and Adrian Walton
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
The impact of globalization and digitalization on the Phillips Curve by Christian Friedrich and Peter Selcuk
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Unregulated lending, mortgage regulations and monetary policy by Ugochi Emenogu and Brian Peterson
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
International transmission of quantitative easing policies evidence from Canada by Serdar Kabaca and Kerem Tuzcuoglu
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
PayTech and the d(ata) n(etwork) a(ctivities) of BigTech platforms by Jonathan Chiu and Thorsten V. Koeppl
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Risk and state-dependent financial frictions by Martín Harding and Rafael Wouters
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Firm inattention and the efficacy of monetary policy a text-based approach by Wenting Song and Samuel Stern
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
The financial origins of non-fundamental risk by Sushant Acharya, Keshav Dogra and Sanjay R. Singh
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Transmission of cyber risk through the Canadian wholesale payments system by Anneke Kosse and Zhentong Lu
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Cyber security and ransomware in financial markets by Toni Ahnert, Michael Brolley, David Cimon and Ryan Riordan
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Stagflation and topsy-turvy capital flows by Julien Bengui and Louphou Coulibaly
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Are working hours complements in production? by Lin Shao, Faisal Sohail and Emircan Yurdagul
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Regulatory requirements of banks and arbitrage in the post-crisis federal funds market by Rodney J. Garratt and Sofia Priazhkina
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Monetary policy, credit constraints and SME employment by Julien Champagne and Émilien Gouin-Bonenfant
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Understanding post-COVID inflation dynamics by Martín Harding, Jesper Lindé and Mathias Trabandt
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Job ladder and business cycles by Felipe Alves
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Household heterogeneity and the performance of monetary policy frameworks by Edouard Djeutem, Mario He, Abeer Reza and Yang Zhang
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Vertical bargaining and obfuscation by Edona Reshidi
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Macroeconomic predictions using payments data and machine learning by James T.E. Chapman and Ajit Desai
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
The central bank strikes back! credibility of monetary policy under fiscal influence by Antoine Camous and Dmitry Matveev
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Dynamic privacy choices by Shota Ichihashi
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
What COVID-19 may leave behind technology-related job postings in Canada by Alejandra Bellatin and Gabriela Galassi
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Asymmetric systemic risk by Radoslav Raykov and Consuelo Silva-Buston
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Expectation-driven term structure of equity and bond yields by Ming Zeng and Guihai Zhao
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Addictive platforms by Shota Ichihashi and Byung-Cheol Kim
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Exports and the exchange rate a general equilibrium perspective by Patrick Alexander and Abeer Reza
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Nonparametric identification of incomplete information discrete games with non-equilibrium behaviors by Erhao Xie
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Are temporary oil supply shocks real? by Johan Brannlund, Geoffrey Dunbar and Reinhard Ellwanger
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
CANVAS: a Canadian behavioral agent-based model by Cars Hommes, Mario He, Sebastian Poledna, Melissa Siqueira and Yang Zhang
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Behavioral learning equilibria in New Keynesian models by Cars Hommes, Kostas Mavromatis, Tolga Özden and Mei Zhu
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Windfall income shocks with finite planning horizons by Michael Boutros
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Sectoral uncertainty by Efrem Castelnuovo, Kerem Tuzcuoglu and Luis Uzeda
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Grasping de(centralized) fi(nance) through the lens of economic theory by Jonathan Chiu, Charles M. Kahn and Thorsten V. Koeppl
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2022]
Examining the impact of home purchase restrictions on China's housing market by Zhentong Lu, Sisi Zhang and Jian Hong
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
News-driven international credit cycles by Galip Kemal Ozhan
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Best before? expiring central bank digital currency and loss recovery by Charles M. Kahn, Maarten R. C. van Oordt and Yu Zhu
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Predicting the demand for central bank digital currency: a structural analysis with survey data by Jiaqi Li
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2021
Trade and market power in product and labor markets by Gaelan MacKenzie
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Payments on digital platforms resiliency, interoperability and welfare by Jonathan Chiu and Tsz-Nga Wong
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Optimal monetary and macroprudential policies by Josef Schroth
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Central bank digital currency and banking: macroeconomic benefits of a cash-like design by Jonathan Chiu and Mohammad Davoodalhosseini
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2021
Quantifying the economic benefits of payments modernization: the case of the large-value payment system by Neville Arjani, Fuchun Li and Zhentong Lu
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2021
Labor demand response to labor supply incentives lessons from the German Mini-Job Reform by Gabriela Galassi
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
An optimal macroprudential policy mix for segmented credit markets by Jelena Zivanovic
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
The effects of government licensing on e-commerce evidence from Alibaba by Ginger Zhe Jin, Zhentong Lu, Xiaolu Zhou, Chunxiao Li
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Measuring the effectiveness of salespeople evidence from a cold-drink market by Haofeng Jin and Zhentong Lu
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Fiscal spillovers the case of US corporate and personal income taxes by Madeline Hanson, Daniela Hauser and Romanos Priftis
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
The side effects of safe asset creation by Sushant Acharya and Keshav Dogra
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Stressed but not helpless strategic behavior of banks under adverse market conditions by Grzegorz Halaj and Sofia Priazhkina
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Tariffs and the exchange rate evidence from Twitter by Dmitry Matveev and Francisco Ruge-Murcia
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Centralizing over-the-counter markets? by Jason Allen and Milena Wittwer
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
A generalized endogenous grid method for default risk models by Youngsoo Jang and Soyoung Lee
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Imperfect banking competition and macroeconomic volatility a DSGE framework by Jiaqi Li
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Secular economic changes and bond yields by Bruno Feunou and Jean-Sébastien Fontaine
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Monetary policy pass-through with central bank digital currency by Janet Jiang and Yu Zhu
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Bank runs, bank competition and opacity by Toni Ahnert and David Martinez-Miera
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
The anatomy of sentiment-driven fluctuations by Sushant Acharya, Jess Benhabib and Zhen Huo
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Monetary policy and the persistent aggregate effects of wealth redistribution by Martin Kuncl and Alexander Ueberfeldt
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Networking the yield curve implications for monetary policy by Tatjana Dahlhaus, Julia Schaumburg and Tatevik Sekhposyan
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Allocative efficiency and aggregate productivity growth in Canada and the United States by Lin Shao and Rongsheng Tang
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Using payments data to nowcast macroeconomic variables during the onset of COVID-19 by James T.E. Chapman and Ajit Desai
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Discount rates, debt maturity and the fiscal theory by Alexandre Corhay, Thilo Kind, Howard Kung and Gonzalo Morales
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Democratic political economy of financial regulation by Igor Livshits and Youngmin Park
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
The countercyclical capital buffer and international bank lending: evidence from Canada by David Chen and Christian Friedrich
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Bitcoin adoption and beliefs in Canada by Daniela Balutel, Christopher Henry, Jorge Vásquez and Marcel Voia
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Eggs in one basket security and convenience of digital currencies by Charles M. Kahn, Francisco Rivadeneyra and Tsz-Nga Wong
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
(Optimal) monetary policy with and without debt by Boris Chafwehé, Rigas Oikonomou, Romanos Priftis and Lukas Vogel
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Market concentration and uniform pricing evidence from bank mergers by João Granja and Nuno Paixão
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Payment habits during COVID-19 evidence from high-frequency transaction data by Tatjana Dahlhaus and Angelika Welte
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Energy efficiency and fluctuations in CO2 emissions by Soojin Jo and Lilia Karnizova
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Covariates hiding in the tails by Milian Bachem, Lerby M. Ergun, Casper G. de Vries
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Foreign exchange fixings and returns around the clock by Ingomar Krohn, Philippe Mueller and Paul Whelan
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
What can stockouts tell us about inflation? evidence from online micro data by Alberto Cavallo and Oleksiy Kryvtsov
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
What to target? insights from a lab experiment by Isabelle L. Salle
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Evaluating the effects of forward guidance and large-scale asset purchases by Xu Zhang
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Job applications and labour market flows by Serdar Birinci, Kurt See, Shu Lin Wee
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Fiscal and monetary stabilization policy at the zero lower bound consequences of limited foresight by Michael Woodford and Yinxi Xie
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Optimal monetary policy according to HANK by Sushant Acharya, Edouard Challe and Keshav Dogra
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
A Q-theory of banks by Juliane Beganau, Saki Bigio, Jeremy Majerovitz and Matias Vieyra
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
From he-cession to she-stimulus? the labor market impact of fiscal policy across gender by Alica Ida Bonk and Laure Simon
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
More money for some the redistributive effects of open market operations by Christian Bustamante
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
An empirical analysis of bill payment choices by Anneke Kosse
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Monetary policy, trends in real interest rates and depressed demand by Paul Beaudry and Césaire A. Meh
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
A new measure of monetary policy shocks by Xu Zhang
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
The geography of pandemic containment by Elisa Giannone, Nuno Paixão and Xinle Pang
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Consumer cash withdrawal behaviour branch networks and online financial innovation by Heng Chen, Matthew Strathearn and Marcel Voia
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Shaping the future policy shocks and the GDP growth distribution by François-Michel Boire, Thibaut Duprey and Alexander Ueberfeldt
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
COVID-19 and implications for automation by Alex Chernoff and Casey Warman
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Are bank bailouts welfare improving? by Malik Shukayev and Alexander Ueberfeldt
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Systemic risk and portfolio diversification evidence from the futures market by Radoslav Raykov
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2021]
Production networks and the propagation of commodity price shocks by Shutao Cao and Wei Dong
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Earnings dynamics and intergenerational transmission of skill by Lance Lochner and Youngmin Park
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
On causal networks of financial firms structural identification via non-parametric heteroskedasticity by Ruben Hipp
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
How should unemployment insurance vary over the business cycle? By Serdar Birinci and Kurt See
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Contagion in dealer networks by Jean-Sébastien Fontaine and Adrian Walton
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
A spatial model of bank branches in Canada by Heng Chen and Matthew Strathearn
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Outside investor access to top management market monitoring versus stock price manipulation by Josef Schroth
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Understanding trend inflation through the lens of the goods and services sectors by Yunjong Eo, Luis Uzeda and Benjamin Wong
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Identifying consumer-welfare changes when online search platforms change their list of search results by Ryan Martin
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Optimal taxation in asset markets with adverse selection by Seyed Mohammadreza Davoodalhosseini
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
A portfolio-balance model of inflation and yield curve determination by Antonio Diez de los Rios
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Cyclicality of schooling new evidence from unobserved components models by Barbara Sadaba, Sunčica Vujič and Sofia Maier
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Forward guidance and expectation formation a narrative approach by Christopher S. Sutherland
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
The new benchmark for forecasts of the real price of crude oil by Amor Aniss Benmoussa, Reinhard Ellwanger and Stephen Snudden
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Predicting payment migration in Canada by Anneke Kosse, Zhentong Lu and Gabriel Xerri
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Interbank asset-liability networks with fire sale management by Zachary Feinstein and Grzegorz Halaj
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Short-run dynamics in a search-theoretic model of monetary exchange by Jonathan Chiu and Miguel Molico
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Optimal quantitative easing in a monetary union by Serdar Kabaca, Renske Maas, Kostas Mavromatis and Romanos Priftis
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Safe payments by Jonathan Chiu, Mohammad Davoodalhosseini, Janet Jiang and Yu Zhu
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Labor market policies during an epidemic by Serdar Birinci, Fatih Karahan, Yusuf Mercan and Kurt See
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Strategic uncertainty in financial markets evidence from a consensus pricing service by Lerby M. Ergun and Andreas Uthemann
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
A macroeconomic model of an epidemic with silent transmission and endogenous self-isolation by Antonio Diez de los Rios
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Managing GDP tail risk by Thibaut Duprey and Alexander Ueberfeldt
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Losing contact the impact of contactless payments on cash usage by Marie-Hélène Felt
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Consumer credit with over-optimistic borrowers by Florian Exler, Igor Livshits, James MacGee and Michèle Tertilt
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Trading for bailouts by Toni Ahnert, Caio Machado and Ana Elisa Pereira
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
An economic perspective on payments migration by Anneke Kosse, Zhentong Lu and Gabriel Xerri
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Monetary policy implementation and payment system modernization by Jonathan Witmer
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Interest rate uncertainty as a policy tool by Fabio Ghironi and Galip Kemal Ozhan
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Learning, equilibrium trend, cycle, and spread in bond yields by Guihai Zhao
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Endogenous time variation in vector autoregressions by Danilo Leiva-Leon and Luis Uzeda
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Why fixed costs matter for proof-of-work based cryptocurrencies by Rodney J. Garratt and Maarten R.C. van Oordt
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Primary dealers and the demand for government debt by Jason Allen, Jakub Kastl and Milena Wittwer
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Trading on long-term information by Corey Garriott and Ryan Riordan
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
The term structures of expected loss and gain uncertainty by Bruno Feunou, Ricardo Lopez Aliouchkin, Roméo Tédongap and Lai Xu
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Classical decomposition of Markowitz portfolio selection by Christopher Demone, Olivia Di Matteo, and Barbara Collignon
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Dynamic competition in negotiated price markets by Jason Allen and Shaoteng Li
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Non-competing data intermediaries by Shota Ichihashi
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Identifying aggregate shocks with micro-level heterogeneity financial shocks and investment fluctuation by Xing Guo
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Average is good enough average-inflation targeting and the ELB by Robert Amano, Stefano Gnocchi, Sylvain Leduc and Joel Wagner
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
Why do central banks make public announcements of open market operations? by Narayan Bulusu
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
A simple method for extracting the probability of default from American put option prices by Bo Young Chang and Greg Orosi
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2020]
An application of shapley value cost allocation to liquidity savings mechanisms by Rodney J. Garratt
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
On the evolution of multiple jobholding in Canada by Olena Kostyshyna and Etienne Lalé
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Monetary payoff and utility function in adaptive learning models by Erhao Xie
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Extreme downside risk in asset returns by Lerby M. Ergun
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
What do survey data tell us about US businesses? by Anmol Bhandari, Serdar Birinci, Ellen McGrattan and Kurt See
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Loan insurance, market liquidity, and lending standards by Toni Ahnert and Martin Kuncl
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
The BoC-BoE sovereign default database what's new in 2019? by David Beers and Patrisha de Leon-Manlagnit
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
A macroprudential theory of foreign reserve accumulation by Fernando Arce, Julien Bengui and Javier Bianchi
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Trade flows and exchange rates importers, exporters and products by Michael B. Devereux, Wei Dong and Ben Tomlin
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
The economics of cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and beyond by Jonathan Chiu and Thorsten V. Koeppl
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Amazon effects in Canadian online retail firm-product-level data by Alex W. Chernoff
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Labor mobility in a monetary union by Daniela Hauser and Martin Seneca
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Central bank digital currency and banking by Jonathan Chiu, Mohammad Davoodalhosseini, Janet Jiang and Yu Zhu
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Do survey expectations of stock returns reflect risk adjustments? by Klaus Adam, Dmitry Matveev and Stefan Nagel
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Firm-level investment under imperfect capital markets in Ukraine by Oleksandr Shcherbakov
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Composite likelihood estimation of an autoregressive panel probit model with random effects by Kerem Tuzcuoglu
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Reassessing trade barriers with global value chains by Yuko Imura
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Model uncertainty and wealth distribution by Edouard Djeutem and Shaofeng Xu
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Technology adoption in input-output networks by Xintong Han and Lei Xu
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Monetary policy and government debt dynamics without commitment by Dmitry Matveev
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Estimating the effect of exchange rate changes on total exports by Thierry Mayer and Walter Steingress
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Entrepreneurial incentives and the role of initial coin offerings by Rodney Garratt and Maarten R. C. van Oordt
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Local labor markets in Canada and the United States by David Albouy, Alex Chernoff, Chandler Lutz and Casey Warman
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Tail index estimation quantile-driven threshold selection by Jon Danielsson, Lerby M. Ergun, Laurens de Haan and Casper G. de Vries
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Resolving filed banks uncertainty, multiple bidding & auction design by Jason Allen, Robert Clark, Brent Hickman and Eric Richert
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Inequality in parental transfers, borrowing constraints and optimal higher education subsidies by Youngmin Park
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
The intergenerational correlation of employment is there a role for work culture? by Gabriela Galassi, David Koll and Lukas Mayr
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Exchange rates, retailers, and importing theory and firm-level evidence by Patrick Alexander and Alex Chernoff
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
The simple economics of global fuel consumption by Doga Bilgin and Reinhard Ellwanger
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
No double standards quantifying the impact of standard harmonization on trade by Julia Schmidt and Walter Steingress
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
What does structural analysis of the external finance premium say about financial frictions? by Jelena Zivanovic
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Inflation targeting and liquidity traps under endogenous credibility by Cars Hommes and Joep Lustenhouwer
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Financial frictions, durable goods and monetary policy by Ugochi T. Emenogu and Leo Michelis
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Bank runs, portfolio choice, and liquidity provision by Toni Ahnert and Mahmoud Elamin
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Macroprudential policy with capital buffers by Josef Schroth
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Limiting sender's information in Bayesian persuasion by Shota Ichihashi
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Online privacy and information disclosure by consumers by Shota Ichihashi
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Central bank communication that works lessons from lab experiments by Oleksiy Kryvtsov and Luba Petersen
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Systemic risk and collateral adequacy evidence from the great crisis by Radoslav Raykov
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Lending standards, productivity and credit crunches by Jonathan Swarbrick
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Privacy as a public good a case for electronic cash by Rodney J. Garratt and Maarten R. C. van Oordt
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
A framework for analyzing monetary policy in an economy with e-money by Yu Zhu and Scott Hendry
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Corporate debt composition and business cycles by Jelena Zivanovic
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
The productivity slowdown in Canada an ICT phenomenon? by Jeff Mollins and Pierre St-Amant
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Frictional capital reallocation I ex ante heterogeneity by Randall Wright, Sylvia Xiaolin Xiao and Yu Zhu
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Can capital deepening explain the global decline in labor's share? by Andrew Glover and Jacob Short
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2019]
Noisy monetary policy by Tatjana Dahlhaus and Luca Gambetti
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
The BoC-BoE sovereign default database revisited what’s new in 2018? by David Beers and Jamshid Mavalwalla
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Time-consistent management of a liquidity trap with government debt by Dmitry Matveev
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Reconciling Jaimovich-Rebelo preferences, habit in consumption and labor by Tom D. Holden, Paul Levine and Jonathan M. Swarbrick
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Incentive compatibility on the blockchain by Jonathan Chiu and Thorsten V. Koeppl
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Sluggish forecasts by Monica Jain
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Responding to the first era of globalization Canadian trade policy, 1870-1913 by Patrick Alexander and Ian Keay
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Market size and entry in international trade product versus firm fixed costs by Walter Steingress
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Should bank capital regulation be risk sensitive? by Toni Ahnert, James Chapman and Carolyn Wilkins
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Non-Performing loans fiscal costs and credit expansion in China by Huixin Bi, Yongquan Cao and Wei Dong
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Swedish Riksbank notes and Enskilda bank notes lessons for digital currencies by Ben Fung, Scott Hendry and Warren E. Weber
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Central bank digital currency and monetary policy by S. Mohammad R. Davoodalhosseini
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Price selection by Carlos Carvalho and Oleksiy Kryvtsov
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Blockchain-based settlement for asset trading by Jonathan Chiu and Thorsten V. Koeppl
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
How long does it take you to pay? a duration study of canadian retail transaction payment times by Geneviève Vallée
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Monetary policy uncertainty a tale of two tails by Tatjana Dahlhaus and Tatevik Sekhposyan
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Ambiguity, nominal bond yields and real bond yields by Guihai Zhao
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
On the evolution of the United Kingdom price distributions by Ba M. Chu, Kim P. Huynh, David T. Jacho-Chávez and Oleksiy Kryvtsov
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
A look inside the box combining aggregate and marginal distributions to identify joint distributions by Marie-Hélène Felt
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Sources of borrowing and fiscal multipliers by Romanos Priftis and Srecko Zimic
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
The extensive margin of trade and monetary policy by Yuko Imura and Malik Shukayev
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Seeking safety by Toni Ahnert and Enrico Perotti
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Challenges in implementing worst-case analysis by Jon Danielsson, Lerby M. Ergun and Casper G. de Vries
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Financial development beyond the formal financial market by Lin Shao
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Multibank holding companies and bank stability by Radoslav Raykov and Consuelo Silva-Buston
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Calibrating the magnitude of the countercyclical capital buffer using market-based stress tests by Maarten R.C. van Oordt
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
The propagation of regional shocks in housing markets evidence from oil price shocks in Canada by Lutz Kilian and Xiaoqing Zhou
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
The trade war in numbers by Karyne B. Charbonneau and Anthony Landry
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Inference in games without Nash equilibrium an application to restaurants' competition in opening hours by Erhao Xie
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Limited commitment, endogenous credibility and the challenges of price-level targeting by Gino Cateau and Malik Shukayev
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
The role of corporate saving over the business cycle shock absorber or amplifier? by Xiaodan Gao and Shaofeng Xu
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Should the central bank issue e-money? by Charles M. Kahn, Francisco Rivadeneyra and Tsz-Nga Wong
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
The political impact of immigration evidence from the United States by Anna Maria Mayda, Giovanni Peri and Walter Steingress
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Housing price network effects from public transit investment evidence from Vancouver by Alex W. Chernoff and Andrea Craig
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Uncovered return parity equity returns and currency returns by Edouard Djeutem and Geoffrey R. Dunbar
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
What drives interbank loans? evidence from Canada by Narayan Bulusu and Pierre Guérin
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Home equity extraction and the boom-bust cycle in consumption and residential investment by Xiaoqing Zhou
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Adverse selection with heterogeneously informed agents by S. Mohammad R. Davoodalhosseini
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
High-frequency trading and institutional trading costs by Marie Chen and Corey Garriott
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
The "too big to fail" subsidy in Canada some estimates by Patricia Palhau Mora
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
State correlation and forecasting a Bayesian approach using unobserved components models by Luis Uzeda
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Order flow segmentation, liquidity and price discovery the role of latency delays by Michael Brolley and David A. Cimon
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
The (un)demand for money in Canada by Geoffrey Dunbar and Casey Jones
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Firm dynamics and multifactor productivity an empirical exploration by Pierre St-Amant and David Tessier
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Analysis of asymmetric GARCH volatility models with applications to margin measurement by Elena Goldman and Xiangjin Shen
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, [2018]
Speed segmentation on exchanges competition for slow flow by Lisa Anderson, Emad Andrews, Baiju Devani, Michael Mueller and Adrian Walton
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, January 2018
How do central bank projections and forward guidance influence private-sector forecasts? by Monica Jain and Christopher S. Sutherland
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, January 2018
Capital-goods imports and US growth by Michele Cavallo and Anthony Landry
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, January 2018
Modeling fluctuations in the global demand for commodities by Lutz Kilian and Xiaoqing Zhou
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, January 2018
Terms-of-trade and house price fluctuations a cross-country study by Paul Corrigan
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, January 2017
Banking regulation and market making by David A. Cimon and Corey Garriott
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, February 2017
Expropriation risk and FDI in developing countries does return of capital dominate return on capital? by M. Akhtaruzzaman, Nathan Berg and Christopher Hajzler
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, February 2017
A dynamic factor model for nowcasting Canadian GDP growth by Tony Chernis and Rodrigo Sekkel
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, February 2017
Price-level dispersion versus inflation-rate dispersion evidence from three countries by David Fielding, Christopher Hajzler and James MacGee
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, February 2017
Optimal capital regulation by Stéphane Moyen and Josef Schroth
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, February 2017
Adoption costs of financial innovation evidence from Italian ATM Cards by Kim P. Huynh, Philipp Schmidt-Dengler, Gregor W. Smith and Angelika Welte
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, February 2017
Stability and efficiency in decentralized two-sided markets with weak preferences by Radoslav S. Raykov
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, February 2017
Canadian bank notes and Dominion notes lessons for digital currencies by Ben Fung, Scott Hendry and Warren E. Weber
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, February 2017
How to predict financial stress? an assessment of Markov switching models by Thibaut Duprey and Benjamin Klaus
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, August 2017
Competing currencies in the laboratory by Janet Hua Jiang and Cathy Zhang
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2017
On the tail risk premium in the oil market by Reinhard Ellwanger
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, November 2017
The causal impact of migration on US trade evidence from political refugees by Walter Steingress
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, November 2017
Is the discretionary income effect of oil price shocks a hoax? by Christiane Baumeister, Lutz Kilian and Xiaoqing Zhou
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, November 2017
Credit crunches from occasionally binding bank borrowing constraints by Tom D. Holden, Paul Levine and Jonathan M. Swarbrick
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2017
Bitcoin awareness and usage in Canada by Christopher S. Henry, Kim P. Huynh and Gradon Nicholls
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2017
Aggregate fluctuations and the role of trade credit by Lin Shao
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, September 2017
A counterfactual valuation of the stock index as a predictor of crashes by Tom Roberts
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, September 2017
Changes in monetary regimes and the identification of monetary policy shocks narrative evidence from Canada by Julien Champagne and Rodrigo Sekkel
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, September 2017
Policy rules for capital controls by Gurnain Pasricha
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, October 2017
Measuring limits of Arbitrage in fixed-income markets by Jean-Sébastien Fontaine and Guillaume Nolin
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, October 2017
Cash versus card payment discontinuities and the burden of holding coins by Heng Chen, Kim P. Huynh and Oz Shy
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, November 2017
Optimal interbank regulation by Thomas J. Carter
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, November 2017
Which model to forecast the target rate? by Bruno Feunou, Jean-Sébastien Fontaine and Jianjian Jin
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2017
Credit risk transfer and bank insolvency risk by Maarten R. C. van Oordt
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2017
Did the renewable fuel standard shift market expectations of the price of ethanol? by Christiane Baumeister, Reinhard Ellwanger and Lutz Kilian
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, September 2017
Government spending multipliers under the zero lower bound evidence from Japan by Wataru Miyamoto, Thuy Lan Nguyen and Dmitriy Sergeyev
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, September 2017
Global trade flows revisiting the exchange rate elasticities by Matthieu Bussière, Guillaume Gaulier, Walter Steingress
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, September 2017
The mode is the message using predata as exclusion restrictions to evaluate survey design by Heng Chen, Geoffrey Dunbar and Q. Rallye Shen
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, October 2017
Wage dynamics and returns to unobserved skill by Lance Lochner, Youngmin Park and Youngki Shin
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2017
Variance premium, downside risk and expected stock returns by Bruno Feunou, Ricardo Lopez Aliouchkin, Roméo Tédongap and Lai Xu
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2017
Risk-neutral moment-based estimation of affine option pricing models by Bruno Feunou and Cédric Okou
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2017
What drives episodes of settlement fails in the government of Canada bond market? by Jean-Sébastien Fontaine, James Pinnington and Adrian Walton
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2017
Good volatility, bad volatility and option pricing by Bruno Feunou and Cédric Okou
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2017
Identifying the degree of collusion under proportional reduction by Oleksandr Shcherbakov and Naoki Wakamori
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, November 2017
Cross-border bank flows and monetary policy implications for Canada by Ricardo Correa, Teodora Paligorova, Horacio Sapriza and Andrei Zlate
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, August 2017
Optimal estimation of multi-country Gaussian dynamic term structure models using linear regressions by Antonio Diez de los Rios
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, August 2017
The rise of non-regulated financial intermediaries in the housing sector and its macroeconomic implications by Hélène Desgagnés
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, September 2017
Capital flows to developing countries is there an allocation puzzle? by Josef Schroth
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, November 2016
What Fed funds futures tell us about monetary policy uncertainty by Jean-Sébastien Fontaine
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2016
Fragility of resale markets for securitized assets and policy of asset purchases by Martin Kuncl
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, October 2016
Firm-specific shocks and aggregate fluctuations by Leonid Karasik, Danny Leung and Ben Tomlin
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, November 2016
Producer heterogeneity, value-added, and international trade by Patrick D. Alexander
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2016
Non-bank investors and loan renegotiations by Teodora Paligorova and João A.C. Santos
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2016
Can the common-factor hypothesis explain the observed housing wealth effect? by Narayan Bulusu, Jefferson Duarte and Carles Vergara-Alert
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2016
Information sharing and bargaining in buyer-seller networks by Sofia Priazhkina and Frank H. Page
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2016
Monetary policy, private debt and financial stability risks by Gregory H. Bauer and Eleonora Granziera
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2016
Equity option-implied probability of default and equity recovery rate by Bo Young Chang and Greg Orosi
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2016
Broker routing decisions in limit order markets by David A. Cimon
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, November 2016
Quantitative easing in a small open economy an international portfolio balancing approach by Serdar Kabaca
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2016
Managing risk taking with interest rate policy and macroprudential regulations by Simona E. Cociuba, Malik Shukayev and Alexander Ueberfeldt
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, November 2016
Business cycles in small, open economies evidence from panel data between 1900 and 2013 by Wataru Miyamoto and Thuy Lan Nguyen
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, November 2016
Monetary policy tradeoffs between financial stability and price stability by Malik Shukayev and Alexander Ueberfeldt
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, November 2016
Supervising financial regulators by Josef Schroth
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, November 2016
Bank screening heterogeneity by Thibaut Duprey
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2016
Options decimalization by Faith Chin and Corey Garriott
[Ottawa]: Bank of Canada, December 2016