• Media type: Journal
  • Title: Amtliches Handbuch Abgabenordnung (AO) : mit Anwendungserlass zur Abgabenordnung (AEAO), Finanzgerichtsordnung (FGO) und weiteren Gesetzen
  • Other titles: Abweichender Titel: Amtliches AO-Handbuch
    Abweichender Titel: AO-Handbuch
  • Corporation: Deutschland, Bundesministerium der Finanzen
  • Published: [Wechselnde Erscheinungsorte]: [Wechselnde Verlage], 2007-2023
    Stuttgart; München; Hannover; Berlin; Weimar; Dresden: Richard Boorberg Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, teils
    Herne; Berlin: Verl. Neue Wirtschaftsbriefe, teils
    Bonn; Berlin: Stollfuß, teils
    Herne: NWB Verl., früher
  • Publication information: 2007-2023
  • Language: German
  • RVK notation: PP 3402 : Gesetzestexte, Richtlinien, Materialien
    QL 510 : Abgabenordnung, Betriebsprüfung, Finanzgerichtsordnung
  • Keywords: Deutschland
    Deutschland > Verwaltungsvorschrift
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Fortgesetzt als Monografie
  • In SLUB collection: 2007 - 2010; 2012 - 2014; 2016 - 2017; 2019 - 2021; 2023 ; unter Signatur: 19 8 10841
  • In further SLUB collection:


  • Status: To be used in the library, no dispatch by interlibrary loan; delivery of photocopies possible
  • Status: To be used in the library, no dispatch by interlibrary loan; delivery of photocopies possible
  • Status: To be used in the library, no dispatch by interlibrary loan; delivery of photocopies possible
  • Status: To be used in the library, no dispatch by interlibrary loan; delivery of photocopies possible
  • Status: To be used in the library, no dispatch by interlibrary loan; delivery of photocopies possible
  • Status: To be used in the library, no dispatch by interlibrary loan; delivery of photocopies possible
  • Status: To be used in the library, no dispatch by interlibrary loan; delivery of photocopies possible
  • Status: To be used in the library, no dispatch by interlibrary loan; delivery of photocopies possible
  • Status: To be used in the library, no dispatch by interlibrary loan; delivery of photocopies possible
  • Status: To be used in the library, no dispatch by interlibrary loan; delivery of photocopies possible
  • Status: To be used in the library, no dispatch by interlibrary loan; delivery of photocopies possible
  • Status: To be used in the library, no dispatch by interlibrary loan; delivery of photocopies possible
  • Status: To be used in the library, no dispatch by interlibrary loan; delivery of photocopies possible