• Media type: Book
  • Title: Foreign direct investment and the multinational enterprise
  • Contributor: Brakman, Steven [Editor]; Garretsen, Harry [Editor]
  • Corporation: CESifo GmbH
  • Published: Cambridge, MA; London, England: MIT Press, 2008
  • Published in: CESifo seminar series
  • Extent: viii, 290 Seiten; Illustrationen, Karten
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9780262026451
  • RVK notation: QM 355 : Multinationale Konzerne (internationale Probleme) und Direktinvestitionen
  • Keywords: Multinationales Unternehmen > Direktinvestition
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Literaturangaben
    Enthält 11 Beiträge
  • Description: The multinational firm and its main vehicle, foreign direct investment, are key forces in economic globalization. Their importance to the world economy can be seen in the fact that since 1990 foreign direct investment has grown more rapidly than the world GDP and world trade. Despite this, the causes and consequences of multinational firm activity are little understood and until recently relatively unexamined in the theoretical literature. This CESifo volume fills this gap, examining the multinational enterprise (MNE) and foreign direct investment (FDI) from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. In the theoretical chapters, leading scholars take a wide range of modern analytical approaches - from new growth and trade theories to new economic geography, industrial organization, and game theory. Taking current theoretical work on MNE and FDI as a starting point and aiming to extend the existing theoretical framework, the contributors consider such topics as investment liberalization and firm location, tax competition, and welfare consequences of FDI and outsourcing. The empirical chapters test several of the key hypotheses of recent theoretical work on MNE and FDI, examining topics that include productivity effects on Italian MNEs, the different effects of outsourcing in Austria and Poland, location decisions of MNEs in the European Union, and other topics.


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  • Shelf-mark: 2008 8 064556
  • Item ID: 32104914
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