• Media type: Book
  • Title: The swing voter in American politics
  • Contains: What exactly is a swing voter? definition and measurement / William G. Mayer -- Swing voters in the Gallup poll, 1944 to 2004 / Jeffrey M. Jones -- Campaign dynamics and the swing vote in the 2004 election / Michael Dimock, April Clark, and Juliana Menasce Horowitz -- Swing voting and U.S. presidential elections / Daron R. Shaw -- Swing voters in subnational campaigns / Jeffrey M. Stonecash -- Swing voters? Hah! the not very "persuadables" and the not really "undecideds" in 2004 / Adam Clymer and Ken Winneg -- Do swing voters swing elections? / James E. Campbell -- Conclusion : the state of the discussion / William G. Mayer and Ruy Teixeira
  • Contributor: Mayer, William G. [Editor]
  • Published: Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2008
  • Extent: XI, 151 S.; graph. Darst
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 0815755317; 0815755309; 9780815755319; 9780815755302
  • RVK notation: MG 70480 : Wahlverhalten
  • Keywords: USA > Wahl > Wechselwähler > Geschichte 1972-2004
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Literaturangaben
  • Description: "Fills conceptual gap concerning the swing voter. Answers four questions: What is a swing voter? How to identify them? Do they differ from the rest of the electorate? What is their role? Presents a picture of this key political group, tracking them across six decades of national and local elections"--Provided by publisher

    What exactly is a swing voter? : definition and measurement / William G. Mayer -- Swing voters in the Gallup poll, 1944 to 2004 / Jeffrey M. Jones -- Campaign dynamics and the swing vote in the 2004 election / Michael Dimock, April Clark, and Juliana Menasce Horowitz -- Swing voting and U.S. presidential elections / Daron R. Shaw -- Swing voters in subnational campaigns / Jeffrey M. Stonecash -- Swing voters? Hah! : the not very "persuadables" and the not really "undecideds" in 2004 / Adam Clymer and Ken Winneg -- Do swing voters swing elections? / James E. Campbell -- Conclusion : the state of the discussion / William G. Mayer and Ruy Teixeira


  • Status: Loanable