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Media type:
Most rare and straunge discourses, of Amurathe the Turkish emperor that now is
with the warres betweene him and the Persians: the Turkish triumph, lately had at Constantinople
Reproduction note:
Electronic reproduction; Digital version of: (Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 175:02)
Imperfect: leaves *1-2, including title page, lacking (title from STC)
Reproduction of the original in the Bodleian Library
STC (2nd ed.), 3060
A translation of: Billerbeg, Fransiscus de. Epistola Constantinopoli recens
Signatures: A-G⁴ (-G4)
Printer's name and publication date from STC
Heading A1v: Frauncis Billerbeg from Constantinople, written to Dauid Chyrtæns of Germanie. S.P.D
The description of the triumph is apparently an addition, initialed 'T.H.' (i.e. Thomas Hacket?)