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Mechanisms of OECD governance
international incentives for national policy-making?
1. Introduction: The OECD as an Actor in International Politics 1. - 2. The OECD's Global Role: Agenda Setting and Policy Diffusion 26. - Part I: Core Areas of OECD Activity. - 3. The OECD and Economic Governance: Invisibility and Impotence? 53. - 4. Tax Policy in the OECD: Soft Governance Gets Harder 75. - 5. The OECD and Global Finance: The Governance of New Issues: New Actors and New Financial Frontiers 98. - 6. From Deregulation to Flexicurity? The Makeover of the OECD Jobs Strategy 119. - 7. The OECD and Crime: The Fight Against Corruption and Money Laundering 139. - Part II: Complementary Areas of OECD Activities. - 8. Expanding and Intensifying Governance:The OECD in Education Policy 163. - 9. A New Global Health Actor? The OECD's Careful Guidance of National Health Care Systems 180. - 10. Learning, Forgetting, Rediscovering: Producing the OECD's 'New' Family Policy 198. - 11. The OECD as Ideas Diffuser: The Growth of the Global Biotechnology Industry 217. - 12. The Activities of the OECD in