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properties, uses, and side effects
The pharmacology of oral heparins
/ Linda Hiebert
Suppresion of membrane vesiculation : a possible anticoagulant, antimetastatic, and anti-inflammatory effect of heparin
/ Veronika Kralj-Iglic ... [et al.]
Beyond anticoagulation : roles for heparin in the vasculature
/ Joshua B. Slee, Raymond Pugh, Linda J. Lowe-Krentz
Heparin monitoring : from blood tube to microfluidic device
/ Leanne F. Harris, Anthony J. Killard
Advances in the analysis of the heparins
/ J. Timothy King, Umesh R. Desai
Searching for heparin binding patterns
/ Ester Boix ... [et al.]
Heparin-related nanomaterials
/ Zi Gu ... [et al.]
Pharmacokinetic differences among unfractionated heparin and low molecular weight heparins : its impact in patients with renal impairment
/ Shaker A. Mousa, Muhammed Manna
Comprehensive and updated study on the analysis techniques of heparin for human use
/ Valeria Tripodi, Silvia Lucangioli
The elaboration of new blood plasma anticoagulant complexes of high-molecular-weight heparin with glyproline peptides main amino acids on the base of mathematical simulation of pH- metry data
/ L. S. Nikolaeva, A.N. Semenov
/ Nazan Tuna Oran
Clinical applications of heparin beyond anticoagulation
/ Rahul Patel
Heparin as an anticoagulant : Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
/ Mortimer Poncz
Heparin : properties, uses, and side effects (the side effect of heparin, particularly, heparin induced thrombocytopenia)
/ Ryotaro Wake
Application of chemometric techniques to heparin purity analysis and quality control using proton NMR spectral data
/ Willliam J. Welsh.