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Cognitive consistency
a fundamental principle in social cognition
Cognitive consistency as a basic principle of social information processing
/ Bertram Gawronski and Fritz Strack
Mental representation ; Cognitive conflict and consciousness
/ Ezequiel Morsella, Pareezad Zarolia, and Adam Gazzaley
A neuroscientific perspective on dissonance, guided by the action-based model
/ Eddie Harmon-Jones, Cindy Harmon-Jones, and David M. Amodio
Parallel constraint satisfaction as a mechanism for cognitive consistency
/ Stephen J. Read and Dan Simon
Fluency and fit ; Fluency of consistency : when thoughts fit nicely and flow smoothly
/ Piotr Winkielman, David E. Huber, Liam Kavanagh, and Norbert Schwarz
Nonpropositional consistency
/ Sascha Topolinski
Motivational fit
/ E. Tory Higgins
Implicit social cognition ; Balanced identity theory : review of evidence for implicit consistency in social cognition
/ Dario Cvencek, Anthony G. Greenwald, and Andrew N. Meltzoff
Implicit ambivalence
/ Richard E. Petty, Pablo Briñol, and India Johnson
Discrepancies between implicit and explicit attitudes, prejudices, and self-esteem: a model of simultaneous accessibility
/ Christian H. Jordan, Christine Logel, Steven J. Spencer, and Mark P. Zanna
Thinking and reasoning ; Mental models and consistency
/ Philip N. Johnson-Laird
Cognitive consistency as means to an end : how subjective logic affords knowledge
/ Arie W. Kruglanski and Garriy Shteynberg
Decision making and choice ; The dynamics of ambivalence : evaluative conflict in attitudes and decision making
/ Frenk van Harreveld, Iris K. Schneider, Hannah Nohlen, and Joop van der Pligt
Self-produced decisional conflict due to incorrect metacognitions
/ Lottie Bullens, Jens Forster, Frenk van Harreveld, and Nira Liberman
Regret, consistency, and choice : an opportunity : mitigation framework
/ Keith D. Markman and Denise R. Beike
Consistency as a basis for behavioral interventions : using hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance to motivate behavior change
/ Jeff Stone
Interpersonal processes ; Balance principles in attitude formation and change : the desire to maintain consistent cognitions about people
/ Eva Walther and Rebecca Weil
Cognitive consistency in prejudice-related belief systems : integrating old-fashioned, modern, aversive, and implicit forms of prejudice
/ Bertram Gawronski, Paula M. Brochu, Rajees Sritharan, and Fritz Strack
Stereotype confirmation and disconfirmation
/ Jeffrey W. Sherman, Thomas J. Allen, and Dario L. M. Sacchi
Adhering to consistency principles in an unjust world : implications for sense-making, victim blaming, and justice judgments
/ Kees van den Bos and Marjolein Maas
Interpersonal cognitive consistency and the sharing of cognition in groups
/ Ernest S. Park, R. Scott Tindale, and Verlin B. Hinsz
Cognitive consistency as a basic principle of social information processing / Bertram Gawronski and Fritz Strack -- Mental representation -- Cognitive conflict and consciousness / Ezequiel Morsella, Pareezad Zarolia, and Adam Gazzaley -- A neuroscientific perspective on dissonance, guided by the action-based model / Eddie Harmon-Jones, Cindy Harmon-Jones, and David M. Amodio -- Parallel constraint satisfaction as a mechanism for cognitive consistency / Stephen J. Read and Dan Simon -- Fluency and fit -- Fluency of consistency : when thoughts fit nicely and flow smoothly / Piotr Winkielman, David E. Huber, Liam Kavanagh, and Norbert Schwarz -- Nonpropositional consistency / Sascha Topolinski -- Motivational fit / E. Tory Higgins -- Implicit social cognition -- Balanced identity theory : review of evidence for implicit consistency in social cognition / Dario Cvencek, Anthony G. Greenwald, and Andrew N. Meltzoff -- Implicit ambivalence / Richard E. Petty, Pablo Briñol, and India Johnson -- Discrepancies between implicit and explicit attitudes, prejudices, and self-esteem: a model of simultaneous accessibility / Christian H. Jordan, Christine Logel, Steven J. Spencer, and Mark P. Zanna -- Thinking and reasoning -- Mental models and consistency / Philip N. Johnson-Laird -- Cognitive consistency as means to an end : how subjective logic affords knowledge / Arie W. Kruglanski and Garriy Shteynberg -- Decision making and choice -- The dynamics of ambivalence : evaluative conflict in attitudes and decision making / Frenk van Harreveld, Iris K. Schneider, Hannah Nohlen, and Joop van der Pligt -- Self-produced decisional conflict due to incorrect metacognitions / Lottie Bullens, Jens Forster, Frenk van Harreveld, and Nira Liberman -- Regret, consistency, and choice : an opportunity : mitigation framework / Keith D. Markman and Denise R. Beike -- Consistency as a basis for behavioral interventions : using hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance to motivate behavior change / Jeff Stone -- Interpersonal processes -- Balance principles in attitude formation and change : the desire to maintain consistent cognitions about people / Eva Walther and Rebecca Weil -- Cognitive consistency in prejudice-related belief systems : integrating old-fashioned, modern, aversive, and implicit forms of prejudice / Bertram Gawronski, Paula M. Brochu, Rajees Sritharan, and Fritz Strack -- Stereotype confirmation and disconfirmation / Jeffrey W. Sherman, Thomas J. Allen, and Dario L. M. Sacchi -- Adhering to consistency principles in an unjust world : implications for sense-making, victim blaming, and justice judgments / Kees van den Bos and Marjolein Maas -- Interpersonal cognitive consistency and the sharing of cognition in groups / Ernest S. Park, R. Scott Tindale, and Verlin B. Hinsz -- Index