Media type: Book Title: Protein electrophoresis : methods and protocols Contributor: Kurien, Biji T. [Editor]; Scofield, R. Hal [Other] Published: New York; Heidelberg [u.a.]: Humana Press, 2012 Published in: Methods in molecular biology ; 869 Springer protocols Extent: XIV, 648 S.; Ill., graph. Darst Language: English ISBN: 9781617798207 RVK notation: WC 3440 : Elektrophorese, Immunelektrophorese, Immunodiffusion WC 4150 : Allgemeines, Praktika; "Methods of biochemical analysis" VG 8200 : Allgemeines Keywords: Proteine > Elektrophorese Origination: Footnote: Literaturangaben