Media type: Book Title: Microsoft Windows 8 auf einen Blick Work titles: Microsoft Windows 8 plain & simple <dt.> Muir, Nancy: Microsoft Windows 8 plain & simple <dt.> Contributor: Muir, Nancy [Author]; Kapfer, Chris [Other]; Lambrich, Sabine [Other] Published: Unterschleißheim: Microsoft Press, 2013 Extent: 328 S.; zahlr. Ill., Kt; 18 x 24 cm Language: German Language of the original: English ISBN: 3866458762; 9783866458765 RVK notation: ST 361 : Einzelne Programme (A-Z) ST 261 : Einzelne Betriebssysteme (A-Z) Keywords: Windows 8 Origination: Footnote:
Departmental Library DrePunct – open access area Shelf-mark: ST 261 W34 M953 Item ID: 33720378 Status: Loanable