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The Oxford handbook of social cognition
History and foundations of social cognition ; On the nature of social cognition : my defining moment
/ Donal E. Carlston
The emergence of social cognition
/ David L. Hamilton and Donal E. Carlston
Measurement and methodology in social cognition : an historical perspective
/ Alan J. Lambert and Laura Scherer
A brief history of theory and research on impression formation
/ James S. Uleman and Laura M. Kressel
Automaticity and control in stereotyping and prejudice : the revolutionary role of social cognition across three decades of research
/ Margo J. Monteith, Anna Woodcock, and Jill E. Lybarger
Attribution as a gateway to social cognition
/ Glenn D. Reeder
Attitudes and social cognition as social psychological siblings
/ Duane T. Wegener and Richard E. Petty
The role of visual imagery in social cognition
/ Lisa K. Libby and Richard P. Eibach
Faces are central to social cognition
/ Kurt Hugenberg and John Paul Wilson
The highs and lows of mental representation : a construal level perspective on the structure of knowledge
/ SoYon Rim, Yaacov Trope, Nira Liberman, and Oren Shapira
Implicit social cognition and mental representation
/ B. Keith Payne and C. Daryl Cameron
/ Ap Dijksterhuis
The role of procedural knowledge in the generalizeability of social behavior
/ Robert S. Wyer Jr., Hao Shen, and Alison Jing Xu
Dual-process theories
/ Bertram Gawronski and Laura A. Creighton
The "cold" and "hot" sides of attention
/ Daniel Smilek and Alexandra Frischen
On misers, managers, and monsters : the social cognition of visual perception
/ Emily Balcetis and Shana Cole
Person memory : past, perspectives, and prospects
/ John J. Skowronski, Randy J. McCarthy, and Brett M. Wells
Judgment and decision making
/ Leaf Van Boven, Mark Travers, Jacob Westfall, and Gary McClelland
Mental simulation : looking back in order to look ahead
/ Keith D. Markman and Elizabeth A. Dyczewski
Thought suppression
/ Sadia Najmi
Moods, emotions, and evaluations as information
/ Linda M. Isbell and Elicia C. Lair
Motivated remembering : remembering as accessibility and accessibility as motivational relevance
/ Baruch Eitam, David B. Miele, and E. Tory Higgins