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The a priori in philosophy
Philosophical naturalism and intuitional methodology
/ Alvin I. GoldmanExperimental philosophy and apriority / Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa
The implicit conception and intuition theory of the a priori, with implications for experimental philosophy
/ Joshua C. Thurow
The prospects for an experimentalist rationalism, or why it's OK if the a priori is only 99.44 percent emprically pure
/ Jonathan M. Weinberg
On the armchair justification of conceptually grounded necessary truths
/ David Henderson and Terry Horgan
Concepts, teleology, and rational revision
/ Christopher S. Hill
A priori testimony revisited
/ Anna-Sara Malmgren
Intuitions and foundations : the relevance of Moore and Wittgenstein
/ Ernest Sosa
Skepticism, reason, and Reidianism
/ Joel Pust
A priori bootstrapping
/ Ralph Wedgwood
Articulating the a priori-a posteriori distinction
/ Albert Casullo
Naturalistic challenges to the a priori
/ C.S.I. Jenkins
How deep is the distinction between a priori and a posteriori knowledge?
/ Timothy Williamson.
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For centuries philosophers have attached much importance to a priori knowledge, but recent work in epistemology and experimental philosophy has questioned this. Leading philosophers discuss explanations of the a priori, challenges to its existence, the status of intuition, and the justification of belief - topics at the centre of current debate