Media type: Serial; Monograph Series Title: Renaissance and reformation texts in translation Published: Toronto: CRRS, 1985- Ottawa: Dovehouse Ed., -1991 Publication information: 1.1985 - Language: English Keywords: Monografische Reihe Origination: Footnote:
Karlstadt, Andreas [Other]; Emser, Hieronymus [Other]; Eck, Johannes [Other]; Mangrum, Bryan D. [Editor] A Reformation debate Karlstadt, Emser, and Eck on sacred images; three treatises in translation transl., with an introd. and notes, by Bryan D. Mangrum Toronto: CRRS Publ., 1998
Karlstadt, Andreas [Other]; Emser, Hieronymus [Other]; Eck, Johannes [Other]; Mangrum, Bryan D. [Editor] A Reformation debate Karlstadt, Emser, and Eck on sacred images; 3 treatises in translation transl., with an introd. and notes, by Bryan D. Mangrum Ottawa: Dovehouse Ed. [u.a.], 1991