• Media type: E-Book; Thesis
  • Title: Product differentiation and consumer preferences for sustainable food
  • Other titles: Nebentitel: Product Differentiation and Consumer Preferences for Sustainable Food
  • Contributor: Meyer-Höfer, Marie von [Author]; Spiller, Achim [Other]; Theuvsen, Ludwig [Other]; Yu, Xiaohua [Other]
  • Published: Göttingen: Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2014
  • Extent: Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 99 S., 1,1 MB); graph. Darst
  • Language: English; German
  • Identifier:
  • Keywords: Lebensmittel ; Öko-Produkt ; Konsumentenverhalten ; Produktdifferenzierung ; Warenkennzeichnung ; Schwellenländer ; sustainable food ; consumer expectations ; food product differentiation ; international marketing ; labelling ; emerging markets ; Hochschulschrift
  • Origination:
  • University thesis: Göttingen, Univ., Diss., 2014
  • Footnote: Besteht aus 5 teilweise bereits publizierten, teilweise bisher nur eingereichten Aufsätzen und aus weiteren 5 Structured Abstracts der eingereichten Publikationen
    Beitr. überw. in engl., teilw. in dt. Sprache
    Systemvoraussetzung: Acrobat Reader
  • Description: There is growing evidence that the current agri-food system is not sustainable, because major environmental and ethical issues challenge the global development. Against this complex background it becomes clear, that sustainable food is a global issue, relevant for individual consumers as well as for the society, for agri-food businesses and policy actors. From a consumers point of view sustainability is a credence attribute and comes on top of an already highly complex buying decision process that can be facilitated by third-party certification and labelling. Over the past decades a number ...
  • Access State: Open Access