Media type: Book; Still Image; Exhibition Catalogue Title: Z mesta von : umenie v prírode ; [... k výstave Z Mesta Von - Umenie v Prírode, Galéria mesta Bratislavy, Mirbachov palác, 6.9. - 25.11.2007] Parallel title: Out of the city - Land Art Contributor: Čarná, Daniela [Other] Corporation: Mirbachov Palác Event: Výstava Z Mesta Von - Umenie v Prírode Published: Bratislava: Galéria Mesta, 2007 Extent: 143 S.; überw. Ill Language: Czech; English ISBN: 9788088762959 RVK notation: LL 35170 : 19. und 20. Jahrhundert Keywords: Tschechoslowakei > Kunst > Land-art > Geschichte 1969-1991 Origination: Footnote: Text in engl. u. tschech. Sprache Text in engl. u. tschech. Sprache
Central Library – open access area Shelf-mark: LL 35170 C288 Item ID: 32331361 Status: To be used in the library, interlibrary loan possible