Gaibazzi, Paolo
Bellagamba, Alice
Dünnwald, Stephan
Fences, Networks, People: Exploring the EU/Africa Borderland" Veranstaltung 2011 Pavia
"This publication originated in ABORNE (African Borderlands Research Network) through the International Workshop 'Fences, Networks, People: Exploring the EU/Africa Borderland' ... at the University of Pavia, 15-17 December, 2011." - (Acknowledgements, Seite VII)
Ressource lag 2016 vor
Marriage Interviews: Securing Borders Through Suspicions of Fraud
"This publication originated in ABORNE (African Borderlands Research Network) through the International Workshop "Fences, Networks, People: Exploring the EU/Africa Borderland" ... at the University of Pavia, 15-17 December 2011" (Acknowledgements)
This volume traces the African ramifications of Europe’s southern border. While the Mediterranean Sea has become the main stage for the current play and tragedy between European borders and African migrants, Europe’s southern border has also been “offshored” to Africa, mainly through cooperation agreements with countries of transit and origin. By bringing into conversation case studies from different countries and disciplines, this volume seeks to open a window on the backstage of this externalization of borders. It casts light on the sites - from consulates to open seas and deserts - in which Europe’s southern border is made and unmade as an African reality, yielding what the editors call "EurAfrican borders." It further describes the multiple actors - state agents, migrants, smugglers, activists, etc. - that variously imagine, construct, cross or contest these borders, and situates their encounters within the history of uneven exchanges between Africa and Europe
Introduction: An Afro-Europeanist Perspective on EurAfrican Borders (Gaibazzi, Bellagamba, Dünnwald) -- Ch 1: Effective Protection or Effective Combat? EU Border Control and North Africa (Lemberg-Pedersen) -- Ch 2: The Tensions of the Ceuta and Melilla Border Fences (Pallister-Wilkins) -- Ch 3: Bamako, Outpost of the European Border Regime? (Dünnwald) -- Ch 4: Deportation Ghettoes in Mali: Expelled Migrants between State Exclusion and Self-Organization (Lecadet) -- Ch 5: Policies, Practices, and Representations regarding Sub-Saharan Migrants in Libya: From the Partnership with Italy to the Post-Qadhafi Era (Morone) -- Ch 6: Visa Filtering at the Italian Consulate in Senegal (Zampagni) -- Ch 7: Marriage at the Embassy: Securing the EurAfrican Border in Cameroon (Alpes) -- Ch 8: Frontiers of Exodus: Activists, Border Regimes and Euro-Mediterranean Encounters after the Arab Spring (Gaibazzi) -- Ch 9: Maritime Migration from Senegal to Spain: Fishermen's Experiences (Hallaire) -- Ch 10: Reshaping ‘Frontiers of Violence’ from Europe to the Middle East: Abduction, Human Trafficking, and Death along the Horn of Africa Migration Route to Israel (Lijnders) -- Ch 11: Suspended Lives: Undocumented Migrants’ Everyday Worlds and the Making of ‘Illegality’ Between Morocco and Italy (Menin) -- Epilogue (Coplan)
Dedication; Acknowledgments; Contents; List of Contributors; List of Figures; List of Map; Part I: Framing EurAfrican Borders; Chapter 1: Introduction: An Afro-Europeanist Perspective on EurAfrican Borders; Africa and Europe's Externalized Management of Borders and Migrations; Political Cultures of EurAfrican Borders; Toward an Afro-Europeanist Perspective; Places, Actors, Lives; Places; Actors; Lives; References; European Union Official Documents; Chapter 2: Effective Protection or Effective Combat? EU Border Control and North Africa; Borders, Closed Systems and Borderscapes
The External Dimension of the European BorderscapesThe EurAfrican Borderscapes as Geo- and Biopolitical Interventions; Tracing the Libyan Camps; Conclusion; References; European Union Official Documents; Part II: Places; Chapter 3: The Tensions of the Ceuta and Melilla Border Fences; Conceptualizing and Contextualizing Walls and Fences; Fencing Ceuta and Melilla; Spaces of Tension; Resistance to the Fences; Conclusion; References; Chapter 4: Bamako, Outpost of the European Border Regime?; Flows, Borders, Places; What Makes Bamako a Border Place?; The Way Back
Doing Border: Policies, Bureaucracies and the Societé CivileThe 2005 Incidents of Ceuta and Melilla as Turning Points; Managing Migration in Bamako; The 'Calebasse Bambara'; France and Spain as Main Actors in Migration Management; Harmonization: The Role of the European Union; Facets of Bordering; References; Chapter 5: Deportation Ghettoes in Mali: Expelled Migrants Between State Exclusion and Self-Organization; From Expulsion to the Ghetto; Tinzawaten: The Border Ghetto; Gao: The Intermediate Ghetto; Bamako: The Urban Ghetto
The Ghetto, an Enclave in a Complex Geography of Expulsion and MobilityReferences; Part III: Actors; Chapter 6: Policies, Practices, and Representations Regarding Sub-Saharan Migrants in Libya: From the Partnership with Italy to the Post-Qadhafi Era; A History of Migration; Sub-Saharan Migrants in Qadhafi's Libya; The Externalization of EU Borders and Relations Between Libya and Italy; Change and Continuity in Post-Qadhafi Libya (2011-2014); Sub-Saharan Migrants in Post-Qadhafi Libya; References
Chapter 7: The Making of the Schengen Regime: Visa Filtering at the Italian Consulate in SenegalApplying for a Visa at the Italian Consulate in Dakar; Arranging the Appointment: An Outsourced Service; Supporting Documents; Timing the Queue; The Examination Phase and the Role of Officials; Interview and Note Taking; Assessing the Migratory Risk; The Role of Officials; Control on Return and Refusals; Conclusion; References; European Union Official Documents; Chapter 8: Marriage at the Embassy: Securing the EurAfrican Border in Cameroon; Marriage Migration and the Securitization of the Border