• Media type: E-Book; Report; Text
  • Title: Agricultural Robotics: The Future of Robotic Agriculture
  • Contributor: Duckett, Tom [Author]; Pearson, Simon [Author]; Blackmore, Simon [Author]; Grieve, Bruce [Author]; Chen, Wen-Hua [Author]; Cielniak, Grzegorz [Author]; Cleaversmith, Jason [Author]; Dai, Jian [Author]; Davis, Steve [Author]; Fox, Charles [Author]; From, Pal [Author]; Georgilas, Ioannis [Author]; Gill, Richie [Author]; Gould, Iain [Author]; Hanheide, Marc [Author]; Iida, Fumiya [Author]; Mihalyova, Lyudmila [Author]; Nefti-Meziani, Samia [Author]; Neumann, Gerhard [Author]; Paoletti, Paolo [Author]; Pridmore, Tony [Author]; Ross, Dave [Author]; Smith, Melvyn [Author]; Stoelen, Martin [Author]; [...]
  • Published: UK-RAS Network, 2018-01-01
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2398-4414
  • Keywords: DATA processing & computer science
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Diese Datenquelle enthält auch Bestandsnachweise, die nicht zu einem Volltext führen.