• Media type: E-Book; Electronic Thesis; Doctoral Thesis
  • Title: Non-commutative Computer Algebra for polynomial algebras: Gröbner bases, applications and implementation ; Nichtkommutative Computeralgebra für Polynomalgebren: Gröbnerbasen, Anwendungen und Implementierung
  • Contributor: Levandovskyy, Viktor [Author]
  • Published: KLUEDO - Publication Server of University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU), 2005
  • Language: English
  • Keywords: Algebraic dependence of commuting elements ; Computeralgebra System ; Preimage of an ideal under a morphism of algebras ; Gröbner-Basis ; Morphismus ; Nichtkommutative Algebra ; Algebraische Abhängigkeit der kommutierende Elementen ; Computer Algebra System ; Das Urbild von Ideal unter einen Morphismus der Algebren ; Eliminationsverfahren ; Computeralgebra
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Diese Datenquelle enthält auch Bestandsnachweise, die nicht zu einem Volltext führen.
  • Description: Non-commutative polynomial algebras appear in a wide range of applications, from quantum groups and theoretical physics to linear differential and difference equations. In the thesis, we have developed a framework, unifying many important algebras in the classes of \(G\)- and \(GR\)-algebras and studied their ring-theoretic properties. Let \(A\) be a \(G\)-algebra in \(n\) variables. We establish necessary and sufficient conditions for \(A\) to have a Poincar'e-Birkhoff-Witt (PBW) basis. Further on, we show that besides the existence of a PBW basis, \(A\) shares some other properties with the commutative polynomial ring \(\mathbb{K}[x_1,\ldots,x_n]\). In particular, \(A\) is a Noetherian integral domain of Gel'fand-Kirillov dimension \(n\). Both Krull and global homological dimension of \(A\) are bounded by \(n\); we provide examples of \(G\)-algebras where these inequalities are strict. Finally, we prove that \(A\) is Auslander-regular and a Cohen-Macaulay algebra. In order to perform symbolic computations with modules over \(GR\)-algebras, we generalize Gröbner bases theory, develop and respectively enhance new and existing algorithms. We unite the most fundamental algorithms in a suite of applications, called "Gröbner basics" in the literature. Furthermore, we discuss algorithms appearing in the non-commutative case only, among others two-sided Gröbner bases for bimodules, annihilators of left modules and operations with opposite algebras. An important role in Representation Theory is played by various subalgebras, like the center and the Gel'fand-Zetlin subalgebra. We discuss their properties and their relations to Gröbner bases, and briefly comment some aspects of their computation. We proceed with these subalgebras in the chapter devoted to the algorithmic study of morphisms between \(GR\)-algebras. We provide new results and algorithms for computing the preimage of a left ideal under a morphism of \(GR\)-algebras and show both merits and limitations of several methods that we propose. We use this ...
  • Access State: Open Access