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Automated Assembly of Hybrid Microsystems
Schöttler, Kerstin
Rathmann, Sven
Raatz, Annika
Hesselbach, Jürgen
Thornett, E.
Bedford : Euspen (European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology), 2007
Published in:Proceedings of the 7th international conference / European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology : May 20th - May 24th 2007, Bremen, Germany, Vol. 2
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The paper describes the design of a system for the automated assembly of hybrid microsystems and the accuracies of the components. The influences on the accuracy will be analyzed on the basis of an example for an automated assembly process. While the object sizes reach centimeter range, they have to be assembled with an assembly accuracy of only a few micrometers. A relative positioning accuracy of 0.8 pm is reached in this process.