• Media type: Report; E-Book
  • Title: Tony Atkinson and his legacy
  • Contributor: Aaberge, Rolf [Author]; Bourguignon, François [Author]; Brandolini, Andrea [Author]; Ferreira, Francisco H. G. [Author]; Gornick, Janet C. [Author]; Hills, John [Author]; Jäntti, Markus [Author]; Jenkins, Stephen P. [Author]; Marlier, Eric [Author]; Micklewright, John [Author]; Nolan, Brian [Author]; Piketty, Thomas [Author]; Radermacher, Walter J. [Author]; Smeeding, Timothy M. [Author]; Stern, Nicholas H. [Author]; Stiglitz, Joseph [Author]; Sutherland, Holly [Author]
  • Published: Oslo: Statistics Norway, Research Department, 2017
  • Language: English
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Diese Datenquelle enthält auch Bestandsnachweise, die nicht zu einem Volltext führen.
  • Description: Tony Atkinson is universally celebrated for his outstanding contributions to the measurement and analysis of inequality, but he never saw the study of inequality as a separate branch of economics. He was an economist in the classical sense, rejecting any sub-field labelling of his interests and expertise, and he made contributions right across economics. His death on 1 January 2017 deprived the world of both an intellectual giant and a deeply committed public servant in the broadest sense of the term. This collective tribute highlights the range, depth and importance of Tony’s enormous legacy, the product of over fifty years’ work.
  • Access State: Open Access