• Media type: Report; E-Book
  • Title: Access to environmental information: a driver of accountable governance in Morocco and Tunisia?
  • Contributor: Houdret, Annabelle [Author]; Pasqua, Irene [Author]; Meknassi, Saâd Filali [Author]
  • Published: Bonn: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), 2018
  • Language: English
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.23661/bp10.2018
  • Keywords: Ökosysteme und Ressourcen ; Governance ; Umwelt
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Diese Datenquelle enthält auch Bestandsnachweise, die nicht zu einem Volltext führen.
  • Description: In Tunisia, Morocco and other North African countries, en¬vironmental problems increasingly lead to political protest. Industrial pollution and a lack of clean drinking water adversely impact the living conditions and income op¬portunities of already marginalised groups and trigger unrest. Environmental governance in the region is often highly centralised, and takes no consideration of the needs of the citizens in the use of natural resources. In a political context that remains unstable following the 2011 uprisings, the double challenge of mounting environmental problems and related social unrest calls for new approaches. Reinforcing accountable environmental governance could help, not only by addressing environmental problems and needs, but by contributing to the overall transformation of societal relationships towards more democratic (i.e. transparent, accountable and participative) governance in the longer term. Access to environmental information plays a crucial role in this regard: only if citizens know about availability, quality and use of natural resources, can they make informed choices and claim their rights. When public institutions address these rights, they can increase sustainable wealth for present and future generations. Institutions charged with strengthening accountability can also include citizens in their monitoring exercises, and help to hold public and private actors legally responsible for their decisions and behaviour. Related international standards can inform such reforms: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Rio Declaration and the Aarhus Convention confirm the importance of access to environmental information. At national levels, environmental charters and Morocco’s and Tunisia’s new constitutions stress the need for participatory and accountable governance. As recent assessments in Morocco and Tunisia reveal, governments and development partners can support access to environmental information and thereby accountable governance. First, they can do this by strengthening ...
  • Access State: Open Access