• Media type: E-Book; Report
  • Title: The impact of global value chains onthe euro area economy
  • Contributor: Dorrucci, Ettore [Author]; Gunnella, Vanessa [Author]; Al-Haschimi, Alexander [Author]; Benkovskis, Konstantins [Author]; Chiacchio, Francesco [Author]; de Soyres, François [Author]; Di Lupidio, Benedetta [Author]; Fidora, Michael [Author]; Franco-Bedoya, Sebastian [Author]; Frohm, Erik [Author]; Gradeva, Katerina [Author]; López-García, Paloma [Author]; Koester, Gerrit [Author]; Nickel, Christiane [Author]; Osbat, Chiara [Author]; Pavlova, Elena [Author]; Schmitz, Martin [Author]; Schroth, Joachim [Author]; Skudelny, Frauke [Author]; Tagliabracci, Alex [Author]; Vaccarino, Elena [Author]; Wörz, Julia [Author]
  • Published: Frankfurt a. M.: European Central Bank (ECB), 2019
  • Language: English
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.2866/870210
  • Keywords: E3 ; euro area ; vertical specialisation ; F6 ; F16 ; international interlinkages ; international trade ; F14 ; global value chains ; F10
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Diese Datenquelle enthält auch Bestandsnachweise, die nicht zu einem Volltext führen.
  • Description: The studies summarised in this paper focus on the economic implications of euro area firms' participation in global value chains (GVCs). They show how, and to what extent, a large set of economic variables and inter-linkages have been affected by international production sharing. The core conclusion is that GVC participation has major implications for the euro area economy. Consequently, there is a case for making adjustments to standard macroeconomic analysis and forecasting for the euro area, taking due account of data availability and constraints.
  • Access State: Open Access