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The aim of program verification is to prove the correctness of a program S with respect to a formal specification, that consists of a pre- and a postcondition V and N. In other words: are program S and specification (V, N) consistent? -- V S -- N Program S is correct, if S starts in a state that fulfills V and terminates in state that fulfills N. The form al definition of correctness is S is correct wrt. (V, N) if [V => wp(S, N)]. wp(S, N) is the wea kest precondition, that guarantees termination in a state fulfilling N. For the purpose of program verification the axiomatic or relational semantics is necessary. These two kinds of formal semantics are equivalent. Axiomatic semantics uses the wp-function, that works on the complete lattice of predicates. Relational semantics uses the LP (largest preset)-function, that works on the complete lattice of state sets. These two lattices are isomorph thru the characteristic predicate function of a set. In order to work efficiently with the wp-function some properties of that function are necessary and useful. Two new properties are shown: strong disjunctivity for comparable predicates and the substitution lemma for wp. Furthermore it turns out, t hat all properties of the wp-function are easily provable in the lattice of state sets with elementary set theory. A VC is defined to be a condition that implies correctness, formally [VC => [V => wp(S, N)]. A distinction is made between exact and ap proximate VCs. The major results of the thesis are verifying loops without an invariant and falsification conditions. In order to verify loops without a given invariant, two strategies are possible: 1. generate the invariant or 2. compute the wp-function for the loop Strategy 1 is used to compute invariants for for-loops. The invariant is generated by substituting a constant in the postcondition by a variable, more exactly the upper limit of the loop is substituted by the loop variable. In gener al the upper limit is not a variable. Therefore the loop is transformed into a ...