Media type: E-Book; Report Title: Advice Complexity of the Online Vertex Coloring Problem Contributor: Seibert, Sebastian [Author]; Sprock, Andreas [Author]; Unger, Walter [Author] Published: ETH Zurich, Department of Computer Science, 2012 Published in: Technical report, 765 Language: English DOI:; Keywords: computer science ; PROGRAMS AND ALGORITHMS FOR THE SOLUTION OF SPECIAL PROBLEMS ; PROGRAMME UND ALGORITHMEN ZUR LÖSUNG SPEZIELLER PROBLEME ; COLOURING OF GRAPHS (GRAPH THEORY) ; FARBENPROBLEME (GRAPHENTHEORIE) ; Data processing Origination: Footnote: Diese Datenquelle enthält auch Bestandsnachweise, die nicht zu einem Volltext führen. Access State: Open Access Rights information: In Copyright - Non-commercial Use Permitted