Media type: E-Book Title: Nanoscale manganese oxide and manganese oxide-carbon hybrid materials for water electrolysis : synthesis, characterization and elektrocatalysis Contributor: Antoni, Hendrik [Author]; Muhler, Martin [Other]; Schuhmann, Wolfgang [Other] Corporation: Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie Published: Bochum: Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2019 Extent: Online-Ressource Language: English Identifier: Keywords: Carbon ; Water--Electrolysis ; Manganese ; Materials ; Manganoxide ; Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhre ; Elektrokatalyse ; Elektrolyse ; Energiespeicherung Origination: University thesis: Dissertation, Bochum, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2018 Footnote: Access State: Open Access