Media type: E-Book Title: Analysis and modelling of gastric cancer subtypes by the use of patient derived and murine organoids as well as a stomach specific mouse model Contributor: Seidlitz, Therese [Author]; Stange, Daniel [Other]; Zeißig, Sebastian [Other] Published: Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden, 2023 Extent: Online-Ressource Language: English Identifier: RVK notation: XH 7104 : Dissertation, Habilitationsarbeit Keywords: Krebs ; Magenkrebs ; Stomach ; Gatsric cancer ; Organoids ; stomach-specific mouse model ; Magen ; Organoide ; magenspezifisches Mausmodell Origination: University thesis: Dissertation, Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden, 2020 Footnote: Access State: Open Access