• Media type: E-Article
  • Title: Field-responsive colloidal assemblies defined by magnetic anisotropy
  • Contributor: Steinbach, Gabi [Author]; Schreiber, Michael [Author]; Nissen, Dennis [Author]; Albrecht, Manfred [Author]; Novak, Ekaterina [Author]; Sánchez, Pedro A. [Author]; Kantorovich, Sofia S. [Author]; Gemming, Sibylle [Author]; Erbe, Artur [Author]
  • Published: USA: American Physical Society, [2020]
  • Published in: Physical Review E
  • Language: English
  • DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.100.012608; 10.1103/PhysRevE.100.012608
  • Keywords: Molecular dynamics ; Sputtering ; Self-assembly ; Kolloid ; Magnetic colloids ; Magnetic interactions ; Dipolar interaction ; Optical microscopy ; Magnetismus ; Magnetic field alignment ; Functional materials ; Assemblierung
  • Origination:
  • Footnote:
  • Description: Particle dispersions provide a promising tool for the engineering of functional materials that exploit self-assembly of complex structures. Dispersion made from magnetic colloidal particles is a great choice; they are biocompatible and remotely controllable among many other advantages. However, their dominating dipolar interaction typically limits structural complexity to linear arrangements. This paper shows how a magnetostatic equilibrium state with noncollinear arrangement of the magnetic moments, as reported for ferromagnetic Janus particles, enables the controlled self-organization of diverse structures in two dimensions via constant and low-frequency external magnetic fields. Branched clusters of staggered chains, compact clusters, linear chains, and dispersed single particles can be formed and interconverted reversibly in a controlled way. The structural diversity is a consequence of both the inhomogeneity and the spatial extension of the magnetization distribution inside the particles. We draw this conclusion from calculations based on a model of spheres with multiple shifted dipoles. The results demonstrate that fundamentally new possibilities for responsive magnetic materials can arise from interactions between particles with a spatially extended, anisotropic magnetization distribution.