• Media type: E-Article
  • Title: Selective intra-carotid blood cooling in acute ischemic stroke : A safety and feasibility study in an ovine stroke model
  • Contributor: Cattaneo, Giorgio F.M. [Author]; Herrmann, Andrea M. [Author]; Eiden, Sebastian A. [Author]; Wieser, Manuela [Author]; Kellner, Elias [Author]; Doostkam, Soroush [Author]; Süß, Patrick [Author]; Kiefer, Selina [Author]; Fauth, Lisa [Author]; Maurer, Christoph J. [Author]; Wolfertz, Julia [Author]; Nitzsche, Bjorn [Author]; Büchert, Michael [Author]; Jost, Tobias [Author]; Ihorst, Gabriele [Author]; Haberstroh, Jorg [Author]; Mülling, Christoph [Author]; Strecker, Christoph [Author]; Niesen, Wolf-Dirk [Author]; Shah, Mukesch J. [Author]; Urbach, Horst [Author]; Boltze, Johannes [Author]; Meckel, Stephan [Author]
  • Published: Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, [2023]
  • Published in: Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism ; 41,11 (2021), Seite 3097-3110
  • Language: English
  • Keywords: endovascular stroke therapy ; catheter ; Acute ischemic stroke ; hypothermia ; selective brain cooling
  • Origination:
  • Footnote:
  • Description: Selective therapeutic hypothermia (TH) showed promising preclinical results as a neuroprotective strategy in acuteischemic stroke. We aimed to assess safety and feasibility of an intracarotid cooling catheter conceived for fast andselective brain cooling during endovascular thrombectomy in an ovine stroke model.Transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO, 3 h) was performed in 20 sheep. In the hypothermia group (n ¼ 10),selective TH was initiated 20 minutes before recanalization, and was maintained for another 3 h. In the normothermiacontrol group (n ¼ 10), a standard 8 French catheter was used instead. Primary endpoints were intranasal coolingperformance (feasibility) plus vessel patency assessed by digital subtraction angiography and carotid artery wall integrity(histopathology, both safety). Secondary endpoints were neurological outcome and infarct volumes.Computed tomography perfusion demonstrated MCA territory hypoperfusion during MCAO in both groups. Intranasaltemperature decreased by 1.1 C/3.1 C after 10/60 minutes in the TH group and 0.3 C/0.4 C in the normothermiagroup (p < 0.001). Carotid artery and branching vessel patency as well as carotid wall integrity was indifferent betweengroups. Infarct volumes (p ¼ 0.74) and neurological outcome (p ¼ 0.82) were similar in both groups.Selective TH was feasible and safe. However, a larger number of subjects might be required to demonstrate efficacy.
  • Access State: Open Access
  • Rights information: In Copyright