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Media type:
Performed Music
Organ Recital: Brandstetter, Manfred - MAGE, P. du / BACH, J.S. / FRANCK, C. / WIDOR, C.-M
Livre d'orgue contenant une suite du permier ton: I. Plein Jeu; II. Fugue; III. Trio; IV. Tierce en Taille; V. Basse de Trompette; ... 00:17:08 -- Prelude and Fugue in B Minor, BWV 544: Prelude; Fugue 00:12:52 -- Allein Gott in der Hoh sei Ehr, BWV 662 00:07:19 -- 3 Choräle für Orgel, M. 38 - M. 40 00:11:16 -- Symphonie romane, Op. 73 00:11:44 -- Organ Symphony No. 6 in G Minor, Op. 42, No. 2 00:08:51 --
Recording information:
Bach, Johann Sebastian, Komponist -- Brandstetter, Manfred, Orgel -- Franck, Cesar, Komponist -- Mage, Pierre du, Komponist -- Widor, Charles-Marie, Komponist
Streaming audio
Systemvoraussetzungen (minimale Voraussetzungen): MS Windows 98SE, 2000, XP with MS IE 6.0 / Mozilla 1.7.1 / FireFox 1PR / Netscape 7.1 / Opera 7.53 and Media Player 9.0 / 10.0